【Leaves of Grass】Praise of Philosophy and Poetry

Constantin 2022-03-23 09:03:22

Give it five stars

, the first for classical philosophy,

the second for Norton's role,

the third for the soundtrack of the movie, and the

fourth for all poets,

the last one, to thank all the previous ones, in this darkest A ray of light brought by days.

Philosophy and poetry are the feast of idealists. The truth they exchanged with life and the verse watered with soul are stationed on the human body full of holes. When spring comes, they come back to life.

It's just an idealist's fantasy.

So many years ago, Shang Zhongmin gave Haizi his scruples to write poetry, and then abandoned poetry to become a businessman.

Life is trivial, and poetry is false and powerless

. The things we hate are changing with each passing day

- "Farewell"

who built an era without faith.


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Leaves of Grass quotes

  • Pug Rothbaum: I'd like everybody in the world to call me a cocksucker and give me a dollar. Because that way I'd be rich and everybody'd love me.

  • TV Reporter: Now, one curious aspect of this case is that the swastikas were drawn backward, indicating either haste or a lack of familiarity with this most infamous of anti-semetic emblems, or perhaps rather more implausibly... that Hindus were involved.