Handsome guy A, I am very sorry for your unfortunate death, but I am not pitiful T_T

Moshe 2022-03-23 09:02:44

This movie reminds me of a debate topic about crime, reform, and the public's right to know that I encountered in the previous debate. I

forgot the specific content, but I remember it was always emphasizing that everyone makes mistakes, so reserve second chance and so on

. This movie explores these issues in more depth

listed r some of my thoughts

1. When you are a bystander you are willing to give others a chance but once you are involved it is hard to say

2. When you do everything You have to think about the consequences at all times. Many things will be with you for the rest of your life.

Even if someone tells you to forgive you, it may not necessarily be true.

The saddest thing is your own nightmare, but no one can control

it. Your past is inseparable. If your past were dead, you would not exist

. 4. Think carefully about who is to blame for the sad and sad things in your life


Everyone did what they should do in his position. This is the result of the game. It is a matter of social rules,

so A's suicide in the end is an inevitable result. Although it is a pity, it is not pitiful.

5. The director was very smart and chose a handsome guy to play A

( If you find an ugly man and a fat man to play everyone, you may wish that he died and finally jumped into the river, and you have to worry about whether he killed two fish)

It made me really feel bad for him for a moment, but I

think carefully about standing in the society as a whole. From a standpoint,

his death is good

because it sends a message to the whole society

. No matter how young and frivolous you are, this society has a bottom line. This line is not the law, but morality and conscience


Once you cross that line you have to pay the price

you have your autonomy at the beginning and innocence is not an excuse

6. Why did A kill that girl in the end?

The society didn't give him any other than his moral problems and family breakdown Warm

so he killed the girl and slapped the society at the same time

what goes around comes around This sentence applies to the abuser who is brought to justice as well as to the seemingly innocent victim

ps: After watching The Social Network I have never forgotten about Andrew, a beautiful girl

, but I also know in my heart that since ancient times, the great law that handsome guys make shitty bags (the reverse is not true)

I personally think that the best acting in TSN is Justin

followed by Jesse (but the feeling of his private interview is similar to that in the movie. So maybe it's not because of his high acting skills but just himself)

Andrew is not particularly good in this part of acting,

but after watching Boy A, he began to respect him

, no wonder he took BAFTA

to watch his interview because of this and thought he was very shy A shy and very tutored child,

and his British Accent is a big bonus . When

Never Let Me Alone can get off, I will watch it immediately.

As for his Spider Man4, I will go to the cinema to support it.

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Extended Reading

Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.