unforgettable friendship

Freda 2022-03-23 09:02:48

He is a little white face with artistic temperament, who never touches a leaf in the midst of thousands of flowers, and is about to be taken care of by a rich woman; she is a nightclub singer who lives in the dust, just because she met a rich man who really cares about her, she has nothing to live on. worrying life. They are all sojourners, relying on others to enjoy a good material life. Love is a luxury, they all know it perfectly, but it can't stop the inevitable from happening.
How can a person fall into love rationally, while telling himself that it is dangerous, destructive, and completely irrational, and at the same time unconsciously start to secretly imagine possible ways out. You don't see love at first sight, only witty dialogue and confrontation; you don't see passion like fire and uncontrollable passion, only restraint and mutual avoidance to avoid messages. A rare moment of tenderness appeared during the few hours of lingering in the heavenly beauty of the grandmother's house, when Deborah Kerr hummed softly to the sound of grandma's piano and prayed devoutly in front of the statue of the Virgin, as if the hustle and bustle were far away. Go, everything is enveloped by a quiet warmth.
It's just a short voyage to attract each other, but who can say that this is not a deeper and more touching friendship? When the cruise ship was about to dock on the last night, she thought and struggled all night, and finally decided to accept his proposal, leave her faithful and rich boyfriend, and wait for him to make money to marry her for half a year. Who can say that this is not the deepest What about fiery love? They all clearly understand money and materiality and the superior and comfortable life it brings, and because of this, giving up becomes a sacrifice, the greatest sacrifice they can make. This is not the victory of emotion over reason, but the victory of emotion and reason over matter. Sacrificing for love is not easy, working hard for love is even harder.

From today's point of view, the subsequent plot is full of blood and spit points, but in the face of this timeless and continuous affection, Deborah Kerr's self-reliance after suffering misfortune, and her ex-boyfriend's persistent help are also important. It became a kind of tender compassion.
This kind of compassion, which is between the real and the unreal, the real and the unreal, gives old Hollywood a touch of humanity.

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An Affair to Remember quotes

  • Terry McKay: We were talking about the place where I was born...

    Nickie Ferrante: I can hardly wait for you to grow up.

  • Terry McKay: I'm getting married and I want you to be the first to congratulate me.

    NYC Cab Driver: Marriage is something to rush to?