ashamed of cruelty

Autumn 2022-12-27 01:23:21

Those so-called hunters rely on natural camouflage, follow the laws of nature, are not greedy, not tyrannical, respect life and play a fair role in the biological chain, and
admire the dream of the lionfish, the colorful jellyfish, the creatures that live in the beautiful deep sea They are free and peaceful, with a bottleneck that has never been seen on land, the symphony of the waltz of the fish school, and the tsunami. When people were still in the age of great voyages, they held awe and exploration for this unknown and profound world. Then everything was beautiful and there was navigation. dolphins will pass by whales no pollution no oil spills and now we can only keep saying sorry to future generations so many creatures that have gone extinct because of us are too many to remember what they looked like they have evolved hundreds of times Ten thousand years of hard work has been quickly wiped out by our decades
The shark blood that has been shaved off and discarded on the seabed like a human stick is spewing out of the wound from its mouth It can only shake its body and linger for breath with its mouth wide open, will it? It is asking for help, the hunted whales are caught by the fishing nets, and all kinds of life are silently screaming. The unbalanced nature
due to human greed will one day take revenge on the human beings whose hands are covered in blood with the resentment of countless dead souls. Put it all back to its original state

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.