You should see in your heart, the warmth in this violent world, whether you admit it or not

Vicenta 2022-03-22 09:02:55

Jean Reno, to me, represents half of French films. Most of my feelings for French films are brought by him. Although I have not seen many of his French films, this is how I feel. Just like this movie where violence and warmth are so compatible - "Immortal"

This is not an epic film, or not a real epic film, but it can be called immortal, a person's ability and choice are so determined, as a People are so human, and their influence is indeed immortal. This is often referred to as spiritual immortality, and it has always been one of the emotions that moved me the most. There is no need to evade. The name of the movie explains that the most direct and profound impact of the movie on people is this kind of momentum. A godfather-level character not only has bloody hands, but also has a commitment to commitment. Ma Di will betray him at any time. Keeping his promise, keeping his promise to the brothers who died together many years ago, but after he claimed revenge on all the murderers, he finally fired six empty shots. This is a perfect turn of personal heroism. How is one's own credibility? Can it be compared to the helpless fault of a good man? Marseille's godfather is also a father, a husband, and a son. The packages that are not related to drugs that are packed around the godfather can be put aside for a while. The slowest scene in the movie is not the bullet in John Woo's hand. Emperor's bullets are very fast and direct. The first thing you see is a silver-haired old man, looking at the innocent grandson on the opposite side. The camera is slow and slow, and then there is a familiar figure, that is, Ma Di, the unremarkable father. The camera is so slow that it seems that this kind of scrutiny will never be enough. Three generations, one family, in fact, this is a family that revolves around the family and a broader family - the story of a friend, a story of tenderness wrapped in violence 's story, immortalized because the movie portrays a father, a son, and a husband, and the family world that surrounds him, what can be compared to that? Thanks to French cinema, to the people who put their heart and soul into this character.

Jean Reno, a man who will never grow old, he is a representative of this film team, he represents a group of people's vision of the world, a French vision, a humanistic thing that cannot age, You don't see handsomeness in him, you don't see fantasy, what you see is a real and fulfilling reality, a person who is full of desire for life. A person's heart can expand to such a large size and then return to such a small size, it is a kind of immortality. The film did not explain Ma Di before being shot. Perhaps the director did not want to emphasize that Ma Di was a godfather before and after being shot or as a father. What's the difference? The director tried to tell me that Ma Di was like that, but after being shot 22 times, he cherished what was most important to him. How can a person retain the past, we miss the purity of childhood, the youthful campus, the season of love, the face of our youth, but what can be recovered, why do we entangle with those things that can no longer come back ? I admit that I have always been so wrong. We should look around, how much we have gained, how much we can win, what can we create, and what can be touched in our hearts. These issues are much better than nostalgic for the past. At the end of the movie, Ma Di's voice: "I survived this war, I want to live well, because I want to accompany my children, until they grow up, I will always be with my family. By my side, in the remaining years of my life, I want to grow old slowly, no longer hide and hide, I want to live without fear, and don’t have to worry about being afraid every day.” The French used the last back to tell everyone, I think so, how about you? French cinema may lack the passion and dynamism of Hollywood, but like passion and tenderness, it is a part of human emotion, and we know that we live in warmth most of the time, so I'm never afraid to lose it, Because there are many people who are warm and tolerant, how should a person live? I want to hear my inner voice.
The movie contains enough violence, this is the world we face, even in romantic France, there are piles of garbage and endless desires that eat up many lives, everyone is actually taking drugs, making garbage in this world, making Crazy and then get some false gratification out of it, yes you are right, how do I know I'm not false gratification, I didn't say I wasn't, I just said it was sad. The person who was avenged died on the coffin lid of his son's cemetery. The coffin was soaked with blood. Before being notified of the revenge, he knew what he needed most. Human sadness, we still expect enough time to correct our mistakes, and we continue to overthrow the world madly. The world in the movie is only bloody, but it is far from the absurd and shameless reality we face. The human side is often fragile. As an animal, although it is a regression of human nature, it is indeed the law of madness in the world. The godfather of Ma Di represents Life is a low-key turn, and this is also a kind of immortality.

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