best anti war movie

Ibrahim 2022-03-23 09:01:47

On March 20, 2003, Baghdad at night was gradually lit up by the pouring artillery fire, as if it were daytime.

The U.S.-Iraq War begins.

After seven and a half years of killing 100,000 Iraqis and 4,400 American soldiers, on August 31, 2010, the US military withdrew from Iraq.

Some commentators said that the US-Iraq war, which lasted 7 years, ended in failure. The war not only caused the United States to fall into the quagmire of war, but also left Iraq with deep war wounds, just like a replica of the Vietnam War.

History is so familiar, but we never face it.

Fighting a meaningless war under the guise of WMD can only be done by the Americans who think they are the world's leader.

This film, which exposes Washington's deception, and upholds justice for the Iraqis who have lost their country, can only be made by the Americans themselves.

Even if this pseudo-documentary-style film is not completely realistic (as a film, there is always an element of art in it), it at least maintains an objective, impartial and introspective attitude. I don't know if it will anger some interest groups in the US, but at least next year's Oscars will be carefully ignored. After all, the face-loving Americans are never willing to tear off their figurines in front of everyone, with the exception of AV movies, of course.

Moreover, the final winner of last year's Oscar was also "The Hurt Locker", which also reflected the theme of the Iraq War, although the levels of the two were far from each other.

I like Matt Damon more and more. No movement or expression is superfluous, and it has almost reached the highest level of the actor. The Captain Miller, played by him, is like a soldier's version of Jason Bourne, fighting with the Washington special agent, fighting with the Marine Corps, and exploring the tiger's den in Longtan to find the truth of the incident.

And this is actually just the director's wishful thinking, which is the artistic component I mentioned earlier. In the real world, this ordinary soldier, even in the United States, broke into such a big basket, it is estimated that he would have to sing.

State public instruments are the same wherever they are placed.

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Extended Reading

Green Zone quotes

  • Wilkins: Chief, our mission is here.

    Miller: You want to sit around dig holes all day, or get something done?

  • Miller: What happened to your leg?

    Freddy: My leg is in Iran. Since 1987. Me too, I fight for my country.

    Miller: Freddy listen, you give me your information, I'm going to get you a reward for what you did today.

    Freddy: Award... You think I do this for money? You think I don't care about my country? I see what's happening. You don't think I see what's happening? And all the people now, they have no water, they have no electricity - you think I do this for reward? You don't think I do this for me? For my future. For my country. For all these things? Whatever you want here, I want more than you want. I want to help my country.