Be your passer--------After watching "the last station"

Garth 2022-03-22 09:02:34

What I write is not so much a film review as it is more appropriate to say it is after watching, because most of the content in it is based on the theme.

Originally, I wanted to write the title as "Love", so that it not only has the meaning of "Everything that I know... I know only because I love" at the beginning of the film, but also has a very ambiguous meaning (sex). But I finally didn't use that ambiguous combination, because the word "love" lacks the tension in the sense of time.

I think it's a great movie, and the elements in the movie come together to fit the theme. I think the theme of this movie is "rational love". Rational love is not an abstract, idealized, dogmatic and unrealistic idea of ​​love. It is not speculative rationality, but a practical rationality rooted in life and reflected through human practice. I will no longer describe the "rational love" here, because this movie shows her very richly, and the reproduction of life by the art of light and shadow is always more inspiring than boring words.

I think a good movie is like a good design work. It has a good theme and can express the theme through the perfect use of various elements. So when I choose a movie, I care about what its theme is, and secondly, I will consider its style, whether the picture is good, and whether the heroine is beautiful...

"The Last Station" takes love as its theme, which is better than ignorance. The love of desire is deeper and more vivid than the love that pretends to be deep, abstract and empty. She is a passion, a passion for life.

When Lev. When Tolstoy asked Valentine Fedonovich what he thought of fleeting happiness... Valentin

when Martha came to Valentin's bed and broke Valentin's place It 's time for... Valentine

when Valentine "sneaked" at Martha drawing water and yelled "In my heart..." at Martha in front of the peeps Valentine

When Tolstoy signed his second will in the woods. Sitting on a dead tree trunk in the woods, Valentine asked Tolstoy the question about love "Do you love your wife?" Tolstoy recalled "your youth and desire for happiness..."

It turns out that abstinence is equivalent to a shallow understanding of life.

How many Leo Tolstoy were in the last station? A Chekov more Tolstoy than Tolstoy; a Tolstoy Madame Tolstoy in Anna Karenina; a young Tolstoy, from Chekov to Thor Mrs. Stey's Valentine; an old Tolstoy who struggled from Anna Karenina to Tolstoyism, I think there are four Tolstoys in all. The contradiction between Mrs. Tolstoy and Chekov; Tolstoy's inner irritability and firmness; Valentine and Martha's lingering; Mrs. Tolstoy's ambiguous temptation to Tolstoy... All these seem to be contradictory and irreconcilable, but isn't this contradiction a restoration of the inner world of everyone in life? As long as each of us has a strong sense of self, we are destined to be a contradictory body. Contradictions will always exist, and how to reconcile them will reveal each person's different wisdom.

The last love ended with the death of Tolstoy, and it was also rekindled by the death of Tolstoy. Although the old Tolstoy left Mrs. Tolstoy, Martha did not come back Is Valentine having fun?

The love of the old Tolstoy had to be stopped because of the end of his life, but the young Tolstoy was still burning his passion. I think that Tolstoy is the common wealth of mankind at this time. end of life.

Be your guest, maybe just for a day, a month, a year, maybe a lifetime (like Tolstoy and his wife). The important thing is not the time together, but the passion of life infiltrating it. Why are you unwilling to let go of the lingering as short as a quarter of an hour? Not from possessive greed, but from cherishing love. Life is like a dead leaf, but it can be different because of "love".

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The Last Station quotes

  • Sofya Tolstaya: Oh, Leovochka, why do you insist on dressing like that?

    Leo Tolstoy: What do you mean, like what?

    Sofya Tolstaya: Like a man who looks after the sheep!

    Leo Tolstoy: It wasn't meant to offend you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: You're a count, for God's sake!

  • Leo Tolstoy: Despite good cause for it, I have never stopped loving you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: Of course.

    Leo Tolstoy: But God knows you don't make it easy!

    Sofya Tolstaya: Why should it be easy? I am the work of your life, you are the work of mine. That's what love is!