Show the kids [Diary of a Wimpy Kid]

Annabelle 2022-11-18 11:44:04

What does wimpy mean? The first impression is that of the cowardly and crying.

But the protagonist Greg (let's say so) is not such a child. He believes that he lives around idiot children, that his taste and wisdom are beyond his peers, and that he should live at the top of the food chain. But at the same time, he desperately hopes to get the approval of the "idiots" and enter the ranks of the class darling, for fear of being isolated by everyone. Greg never cries, but his self-righteousness is like a little grown-up, hence the title of the film.

It's hard to imagine that this American doll has so many utilitarian thoughts in his head, and even blurs his own judgment. This is obviously a Chinese child. All I know is that I have no interest in going to college to take part in activities that make me a star, but who's to say that I can't see myself in Greg? Who hasn't ever wanted to do something but ended up doing nothing or getting worse? We all have a desire to excel, whether through hard work or shortcuts. Some people are very good at doing this, like the hated girl in the film who always mobilizes the masses to do sports. Most of the people are still in the class they are led, and they listen to rumors and follow very stupid traditions. Greg wasn't one of them, he was still running around, and his colleagues wanted to be the best. Of course, there are good buddies like Rowley, who can't figure out the form at all, listen to other people's orders, or do things with enthusiasm. Who hasn't had a time like this?

Greg was full of ideas of getting ahead, and he even ignored his short stature, childish face, and regarded Rowley as a liability. The gap between high expectations and reality made the little boy live under pressure every day. He covered his face and sighed like a middle-aged man, watching Rowley become a class star instead, Greg still didn't know what he did wrong. In the face of the crisis between the two, Greg is still making small ideas, and eventually loses a good friend and is extremely depressed every day.

The film uses the supporting role Rowley to contrast the mentality of the protagonist. Rowley's image at the beginning is all dictated by the paranoid Greg. But then, the seemingly big guy treats his friends with sincerity, does things with enthusiasm and works hard, and of course the results are good, becoming a role model for Greg.

Greg is a bit unlucky indeed, and most of the film is about how his wishful thinking fell through and how he slipped down that hypothetical ranking step by step. At the same time, the relationship between himself and his good friend Rowley, who has no brains, has gradually deteriorated. It was only in the last 5 minutes that Greg's slump ended, and he turned over. Although he only won back Rowley's trust, what honor could make him happier for a kid his age than having a good company?

Look at today's children, math Olympiad, musical instruments, foreign languages, homework, they don't even have the energy to read their favorite books, participate in their favorite sports, how much do they care about their friends? Or that no one is teaching them what to care more about. Scores, ability, applause under the podium, or whether you are mentioned in the school yearbook, is it really more important than doing what you want to do and having an independent mind?

I remember that it was not until I was in my sophomore year that a master teacher said in the last class: In fact, it doesn’t matter how many marks I get in this class, just don’t fail. In the future, everyone should read more books, think more about things, and have their own views on many phenomena in society. This is a social person, a learned person, and books are not read in vain. After that, there was thunderous applause. This shows how much young people want to understand the society they are about to face, who led them to that utilitarian path since childhood and exposed them to such a cruel reality of interests at a young age. Yes, there are thousands of things called knowledge, thought, respect, emotion, and so on.

I have seen many situations where young people stubbornly impose their own unrealistic ideas on everyone, and feel that they have sacrificed a lot for nothing in return. Young, every time a younger face. . . Our thinking seems to develop more than ten years later than our foreign counterparts. People who have never met before can cooperate and share results. We are still in the stage of competing for resources with our brothers and sisters. When people protested the abolition of inheritance tax, we were still worried about whether our younger generation would be able to live and breathe. People suggested donating assets, but we are still there. Question the justice of others. This is not the category of Confucian culture at all, it is a problem of social structure, social distribution, and social mentality. It has been a long time since we took a step forward in the development of the realm of thought.

Back to movies. I want my child to read [Diary of a Wimpy Kid], and then ask him what he thinks of the characters in it, and then encourage the pure and positive part of his thoughts, let him do it bravely, back it up with sincerity and kindness, and face it Even in this turbid society, surpass his father, don't delay mentally on the starting line.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid quotes

  • Frank Heffley: I think Dorothy deserved it.

  • Rodrick Heffley: No time-out. Only *death*.