"ink" (ink) - an alternative aesthetic art

Jasen 2022-03-22 09:02:34

When I just finished watching the film, I felt moved~ Although I didn't cry, it did show the characters' inner loyalty and betrayal loyalty in an abstract way. .

Do dream makers and nightmare makers really exist in real life? In my opinion, all of this is nothing but John's own conscious struggle, the loss of his most beloved wife, and the inner fear that makes him unable to face his daughter.

Ink, the soul who tried to be loyal to Nightmare and kidnapped his daughter, but a good person (the angel of the dream) was killed in his consciousness and faithfully guided John in the two spaces to true love. .

Ink is John's consciousness after his daughter Emma died and committed suicide. The film simultaneously explains two different spaces, one is reality and the other is dream. (Maybe my understanding is not quite right), I think John is experiencing his own post-death life on an ink in another dimension, of course maybe it's just a dream, he chose to betray his daughter to free and heal his scars, but The angels tried their best to save John's conscience, (it's really touching here, all the angels fought the nightmare with all their strength, and in the end it was the same time and space ink and the nightmare that stood up to compete with the power of the dark dream, and I defeated the evil forces with my own hands. In

the end, ink knelt down and Emma stepped forward. The father faced his daughter and begged for forgiveness. In the dream, Emma hugged Dad~~

Back to real life, John was called back to the hospital bed under the guidance of the angel. 's daughter, that is, in the dream, ink rescued Emma. There is no subsequent suicide.

Speaking of which, I want to mention "Life in front of me", all of which are caused by one incident in different spaces. Everything~~~

In my opinion, ink is just a splitter in John's struggling heart, assuming that he will continue after his death, but he cannot be redeemed. In the confrontation between the forces of good and evil, he finally chooses to help his daughter survive, and let himself in reality. Facing his daughter again, and returning to his past life, because his dead wife has always expressed her expectations in another way..

I like the alternative visual effects of the film. The smoother editing and the sometimes soothing OST show alternative aesthetic art, and the seemingly weird expression conveys alternative moving emotions. .

This film is a good film as a small production. The seemingly sci-fi plot is just to express the struggle of the characters and the redemption of their souls. After "Artificial Intelligence", I saw the emotional "science fiction" production again~~

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Ink quotes

  • John: I am ruined, why can't you see that?

    Liev: Because I choose to see you for what you were intended to be, not what you've become.

  • Jacob: 'Course a good ass kicking doesn't sit well with anyone.

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