It's a split personality

Tre 2022-03-22 09:01:48

There are all kinds of reviews. What is the conflict between the southern aristocracy and the emerging working class, etc. I don't think so.

This vain, pretentious woman has a split personality. The symptoms are very obvious. On the one hand, they have high self-esteem, wealth, beauty, and admiration, and on the other hand, they are fragile and sensitive. Others say that Brando represents vitality, sister represents reality, life continuation and so on. It's all bullshit.

It is a girl who has gone through too many family twists and turns in the process of growing up, experienced loss, death, loneliness, longing for support, etc., and then interacts with many men in emptiness and ruins her reputation. He left another country and went to the place where his sister lived. Here, I meet a man from a lower class like my brother-in-law with a despicable personality. His personality split was aggravated by his blow, and his lies were exposed. He experienced emotional changes, his condition worsened, and he was finally admitted to a mental hospital.

If you don't know her growth process, she is just annoying. If you have witnessed her suffering, her gap, and have empathy with her, you can empathize with her just like her sister, and it is understandable.

Another nonsense drama, Black Dahlia, a young actor full of nonsense who died in Hollywood and broke into the world. That's how it became hypocritical and pitiful in being abandoned and spurned by the world. During the investigation of the cause of her death, the police gradually got to know her. They were moved and attracted by the tragedy on her body. They connected with the past of her sister, Zian Nian, who was raped and died, and fell in love with her who died.

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A Streetcar Named Desire quotes

  • Stella: He smashed all the lightbulbs with the heel of my slipper.

    Blanche: And you let him? Didn't run, didn't scream?

    Stella: Actually, I was sorta thrilled by it.

  • Mitch: I like you to be exactly the way that you are, because in all my experience, I have never known anyone like you.

    [Blanche laughs suddenly]