'Magic Nanny McPhee': There's a bunch of kids who can really mess up

Wilfrid 2022-03-22 09:02:07

When you need her and don't want her to stay, she has to stay; when you want to keep her but don't need her anymore, she'll go, that's how the magic babysitter does things.

In this way, that is to say, every time she appeared in the hostile eyes of people and left in reluctant tears. She resolves hatred and contradictions, and brings happiness and joy; she comes with ugliness, pimples and buck teeth, but when these shortcomings disappear and become beautiful, it means her mission is complete. With a wave of her hand, she turned and left, the next family was still waiting for her.

It is rare to find a British film in the aristocratic era. It is not dark and rainy. The whole film uses bright colors to fully express the happy nature of children. Having one or two children in the family is big enough, not to mention seven in a row, it is simply a small army, and the combat power is enough to ensure their trouble and destruction. To tame them, ordinary skills are far from enough, otherwise 17 babysitters would not have run away. At this time, a special person needs a special method to make them obedient.

Whether it is a magical nanny and 7 children, or a supporting role, the characters are very delicately portrayed, and the distinctive features are hilarious. Especially the aristocratic aunt, who spoke harshly and harshly, but her eyes were so bad that she couldn't even tell the difference between a donkey and a person, and she almost brought a donkey home; and the fat woman who had been divorced three times, coveted property and tried to Established prestige to the children and made a lot of jokes.

Children's films are full of warmth and laughter, and if you can learn some small truths from them, it will be excellent, and I look forward to the sequel.

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Extended Reading

Nanny McPhee quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Nanny McPhee: Hmm...

  • Nanny McPhee: How's the reading coming along?

    Evangeline: Oh... all right. I still haven't gotten to the end of the story, though.

    Nanny McPhee: There's no need. You are the end of the story.