a joke about time

Darren 2022-03-22 09:02:12

I don't know why I
've watched countless stories about time travel lately,
including: novels, movies, and American dramas.
Lost enough to
see in the middle I'm tempted by the concept of a time vortex. In the
end, it tells us that it's a dream
. Everything is after death. What 's

more confusing is that when the loss was not
completely over, the
same classmates started work again. "Future Flash"
made me dizzy.
It's another time story . The
assumption is that everyone has seen their own future .
Love this assumption
because seeing the future is obviously not good news.
If the future is bad, we must do whatever we can to destroy it (if it is the future, can we destroy it? Is it complacent or struggling to break through?)
If it is good Yes, can we sit back and relax from now on (another question raised is, if we don't work hard now, can we get the good result that takes a lot of hard work to achieve?)

Poor me, when I finally saw it was getting better, The first season is also over
, as expected, there are some people who believe that man can conquer the sky, and some people accept the arrangement of fate.
But the bad news is that some people seem to really change the future
. At this time, there are prophet-like characters who say that even if it changes temporarily , will things finally
go their way?
Does that mean we can't change the future?
So what about the changed parts? Counted as a small bug from God?
And the changed part may affect others, so is it possible to reverse it together?
Or, the introduction of the concept of parallel worlds is
not a change, it is just a move from one established world to another.
Are all possibilities still happening in all parallel worlds?
. . . . . .

When I was confused by time,
I saw a joke: Several company executives sat together and talked about Song Shanmu, so they talked about various ways to avoid risks. After a while, someone finally got impatient and said: Are we Can't you not rape a female employee?
(When I was about to give up the time paste, a friend criticized for another thing: You always refuse to understand the world. Then, I became a paste)

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