Looking forward to it since April

Hillard 2022-03-22 09:02:11

On April 15th, I listed it as a movie I want to watch. It arrived in May or June, and I haven't watched it. Today I found out that it was off the list, so I hurried to watch it. The long-awaited poster can finally be included in the folder. I am very happy. Although the feeling brought by the movie can not be said to be a big disappointment, it is definitely different from what I expected. Maybe it is because it is really not good, and it is not comparable to the pirate radio. It may also be that I have grown up, hehe, no more I like this style of things. By the way, Stewart is still very handsome in it. Another girl seems to have appeared in the Roller Girl. OST doesn't like it at all. Bai was looking forward to a game- -|| Except for the attractive poster, everything was mediocre.

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Extended Reading

The Runaways quotes

  • Cherie Currie: What is this?

    Sandy West: It ain't baby shampoo. I call it the dirty sink. A little bit of everything from my parent's liquor cabinet. Just a little, so they can't tell I'm dipping into their stash.

    Cherie Currie: My dad would notice - he likes his booze.

    Sandy West: Is he an alcoholic?

    Cherie Currie: No, he just likes it. He says that's the difference. He likes to drink, he doesn't need to drink.

    Sandy West: I like to drink.

    Joan Jett: The dirty sink is where we're gonna be puking that shit up tomorrow.

    Sandy West: Hey, Salt 'n' Pepper - race you down the hill.

    Joan Jett: You're fucking on.

  • Marie Currie: You know how many new bands think they're gonna make it?

    Cherie Currie: Kim thinks we got a real shot.

    Marie Currie: Kim Fowley? That guy's a total creep. Seriously, I heard he has a coat made out of dog fur.

    Cherie Currie: Well, excuse me if I don't wanna work at the Pup 'n' Fries for the rest of my life.