nice story

Aaliyah 2022-03-23 09:03:22

The story goes like this: A retired widowed old man met a Turkish prostitute named Telo, and took her to his place in the hope of having someone who could sleep with him to avoid loneliness. Tello was an experienced middle-aged prostitute with the appearance of an ordinary Turkish woman, with deep wrinkles and dark eyes. The old man's son is named Jie, who is a professor of German at the university. The story has no special explanation for him. Jie's role is more like a threader in the story. I just feel that this is a man in his thirties whose life is simple and numb. The first point of conflict in the story is that the old man was very angry when he thought that Tello had had a relationship with Jay, and he didn't beat Tello to death when he quarreled with him. The old man went to prison. This is the first part of the story.
The second part is about Telo's daughter Aita, whose introduction lies in the hope of making some compensation for Telo. So Jay left Germany to search for Aita, the country of Trou, who had been missing for several months, and her relatives and friends had no idea of ​​her whereabouts. During his search, Jie saw a bookstore that sold German books, so Jie quit his job as a professor and lived in this store for a long time in Turkey. Besides, Aita, a radical anti-government and socialist youth, who left Turkey for political reasons and fled Germany, accidentally met Lot, a zealous native German girl, between them a lesbian thing happened. emotion. Lot's mother wants Lot not to get in trouble and she doubts the relationship between the two girls. After Lot's mother and Aita quarreled, Aita and Lot left hoping to find their mother, but were caught by the police. She arrived and was deported back to China, where she was awaiting ten years in prison. In order to help Aita come to Turkey, Lot met Jay and became Jay's tenant. The first tragedy of the story happened: Lot was shot to death by a street thief in pursuit of his stolen bag. The most important thing in this bag was a gun, which Aita had stolen in a previous riot. A police gun, Aita tells Lot to find it and keep it safe.
So far, the story is over. Lot's mother travels to Turkey in search of her daughter's remains. Meet Jay. She later visited Aita, stating that she wanted to help her. Aita blames herself and is saddened by Lot's death. She expressed remorse for her previous actions, renounced her previous beliefs, and said she was no longer an enemy of the government and was released. On the other hand, Jay also forgave his father, and the old man has been sent back to Turkey by this time. Jie came to his father's place of residence and sat on the beach waiting for his father who returned from sea. So the story ends.
It doesn't matter whether Aita eventually meets Jay and learns that her mother is dead.
The beauty of the story is the connection that exists between the two parts. On Aita's way to find her mother, they practically passed by; in Aita's sleepy classroom, it was Jay's classroom; in the shop where Lot and Jay met, Lot's mother was on the wall. Photo; Jay has torn up Troy's photo by the time Aita arrives at Jay's storefront. All kinds of, they just passed by. At the same moment, life on both sides is going on, maybe they will intersect, maybe they will develop in parallel forever.

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The Edge of Heaven quotes

  • story: After telling the story of Abraham that was willing to sacrifice his son, Ismael, to show God his obedience. Before Abraham could slay his son God sent a lamb to sacrifice instead.

    Nejat Aksu: I asked my dad if he would have sacrificed me as well.

    Susanne Staub: And what did he say?

    Nejat Aksu: That he would even make an enemy of God to protect me.