The First Drop of Menstrual Blood and Roaring Rock Youth in "The Runaway Band"

Derrick 2022-03-22 09:02:11

In the 1970s in the United States, five rebellious girls aged about 15 or 6 formed a "fleeing band" that matched their personalities. The band's style is bold and unique, navigating between hard rock and punk, and their songs are exemplary music that promotes feminism and "sexual" liberation. There are two souls in the band: lead singer Cherie Currie and guitarist Joan Jett. The former is beautiful and represents the charming image of the band, while the latter is a talented woman. The singer-songwriters, they quickly became an influential group in the United States, Japan and other countries by virtue of the song "Cherry bomb" and the great creation and successful commercial hype of the manager Kim Foley, who specializes in discovering the band. Powerful all-girl rock band. After four years, the band announced its disbandment for various reasons.

As a biographical type of film, "Fugitive Band" is based on the memoirs of lead singer Cherie Carley as a blueprint, and the Italian female director Floria Sergismondi, who was born in shooting music MVs, also serves as a screenwriter. , which truly reproduces the old images of the screaming and fanatical pursuit of the five sexy cherry bombs in the music fans in 1975. The director adopted a relatively conservative and stable narrative technique: he was loyal to the character archetype and the content of his memoir, and did not use larger plot changes and fabricated anecdotes to make this biographical film.

At the beginning of the film, a dazzling drop of menstrual blood slips on the road, announcing that Cherie Carley (Dakota Fanning) can officially perform her bar mitzvah. This kind of footage somewhat hints at the release and popularity of feminism. A lot of writing was spent in the plot, focusing on outlining Cherie's precocious growth history, her broken family environment, and her premature rise to fame, in the face of sudden fame and fortune and the admiration of music fans that are just around the corner, lost in illusory excitement In addition, she was still immature and could not handle and bear the double pressure from family and career, which also paved the way for the disbanding of the band.

Another heroine, Joan Jeter (Kristen Stewart), is actually the biggest invisible protagonist of the film, but her brilliance is covered up by the lead singer Cherie. People always only remember the singers on stage, ignoring the real soul of the band. Her persistent pursuit of rock music and her mature and forbearing style of doing things form two opposites from Cherie, who is only born for the stage. After the band finally disbanded, Joan Jett was able to form a band again based on her musical strength and talent, and eventually became a famous female rocker in the 1970s. If you have listened to "I hate myself for loving you" and "I love rock and roll", you will surely appreciate Joan Jett's domineering and tough style and gender-ambiguous husky voice, which is like an avalanche. A sense of catharsis that coexists with cheerfulness and oppression.

"Fugitive Band" is a product of American rock music culture and represents a spiritual appeal. In the mid-1950s in the United States, teenagers had a superior family background and a comfortable life. They could not understand the suffering of their fathers during the war, unemployment and family crises caused by the Great Depression. Therefore, they could not be like adults. In that way, living a life in peace of mind creates an insurmountable spiritual gap between the two generations. At this time, teenagers are in a period of sexual ignorance. Their young bodies and abundant energy are sexual forces that have been suppressed for a long time and cannot be relieved. They are not used to the old-fashioned conservative way of life. They are looking for people who can express their mood and soul. Things, rock music is like a spiritual medicine born under the hotbed of art. This style of music perfectly interprets the individualistic mentality of the teenagers in that era: the straightforward and powerful, rhythmic, roaring singing style has a hysterical release and satisfaction.

From the agent's business operation of the band, it can be seen that although it advocates self-style and individualism, this female rock band inevitably has to take into account the consumption vision of male-dominated values, that is: to hook To move men's desires and become the object of their sexual fantasies. In order to express the awakening of women's power, but also to consider the expected consumer groups of the business, the band is in such a dilemma to expand its own exclusive land.

At this time, sex and drugs coveted to become the "aphrodisiac" of rock music, fanning the flames to infinitely expand rock music and degenerating into darkness, pursuing the other side of liberating body desire and frantic enjoyment. Some of the rotten plots in the film are a good summary of this social phenomenon in the United States. The middle part of the film is filled with a lot of psychedelic rock performances. The singer's unbridled sexually suggestive lyrics reflect the indifferent attitude of young people to life, and they like to challenge the sanctimonious social system. There is a scene where Cherie and Joan are smoking K powder in the bathroom, and then threw the small bag of drugs into the toilet to flush it out. Suddenly, I felt that this was a "salutation" from the director to the same type of movie "Trainspotting". ". There is also a scene where Joan spit the cigarette into Cherie's mouth after smoking marijuana, and the two immediately had intimate contact. In fact, this is not necessarily a sign of lesbian love, but an extreme expression of friendship among girls, and a little bit of confused behavior, which is also a symbol of youthful confusion.

The director, Sergis Mundi, was born in MV. It was really easy to shoot such a scene. The MV-style editing in the film makes the lens and the lens extremely ambiguous. Under the dazzling eyes, it is a kind of turmoil of desire. But it may be too indulged in expressing the desire of the "Fugitive Band" to fans and audiences to inspire and demonstrate their very different and unrestrained music styles. The rhythm of the film is a little stagnant here, looking slightly Somewhat disinterested. Fortunately, the director soon realized this, and the turn of the pen drew the audience's attention to the plot of the band's disintegration. The shaping of the characters' personalities in the first part of the play is also delicate and methodical. It is precisely based on the carving of the different personalities of the two heroines that the audience can see the ending of their personalities determining their fate in a three-dimensional manner.

There are many fragments of classic rock music in the film. Fans who like biographical films of musical characters can review those beautiful old songs in the past while watching the film. For example: "Cherry Bomb", "Roxy Roller", "You Drive me mad", "Queen", etc. These rock music with uninhibited and provocative characteristics are ingenious and ingenious to deal with the rebellion and confusion of the young girls in the film. way of integration.

The costumes of the characters in the film recreate the American fashion of the 1970s: leather jackets, leather pants, studded neckbands, oval-style black super glasses, high-waisted jeans with wide brim below the knees, and the band's gimmicky performances The costumes laid the foundation for the retro style of the film.

For the film's two hot, youth idol-level actresses: Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart, not only in appearance, speech and temperament, but also very similar to the original characters of the film. It is said that the two girls also specially went to the former rock star to "learn". Personally, I think Cherie Carley's actor: Dakota Fanning is better at expressing the character. Especially in her first singing competition, when she was facing the fans who threw garbage at her, the expression of disdain that raised her middle finger with both hands, her eyes were blurred when she was taking drugs, and there was no trace of performance. Come out naturally. The girl she plays is strong and independent on the surface, but desperately longs for the protection of her family. She likes the queen-like support of "one person on stage, ten thousand people off the stage", but she resists the pressure of the agent's high-intensity work. And the final choice of returning to the family still shows that this fifteen-year-old girl is just a fragile child who is only greedy for temporary vanity and indulgence. No wonder agent Kim Foley first positioned her in the band's "Vase" image.

Kristen Stewart, in the aftermath of the "Twilight 3 Eclipse", has such a good film coming to the fans, it is safe to say that she has progressed quickly, and she is in the role. grown up. Although she is the second female lead of the film, she is actually the final heroine of the film, that is to say, the happy ending in the play rests on her. In the film, she is no longer the beautiful "Bella" who is trapped in love, but Joan Jett, who is very masculine in every move. Just like the character prototype of the memoir, she plays the electric guitar that men only play. She has never regarded herself as a weak woman. In the rock and roll world where men are based, she officially announced the arrival of the era of female rock with one of her famous songs: "I love rock and roll".

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Extended Reading

The Runaways quotes

  • Cherie Currie: What is this?

    Sandy West: It ain't baby shampoo. I call it the dirty sink. A little bit of everything from my parent's liquor cabinet. Just a little, so they can't tell I'm dipping into their stash.

    Cherie Currie: My dad would notice - he likes his booze.

    Sandy West: Is he an alcoholic?

    Cherie Currie: No, he just likes it. He says that's the difference. He likes to drink, he doesn't need to drink.

    Sandy West: I like to drink.

    Joan Jett: The dirty sink is where we're gonna be puking that shit up tomorrow.

    Sandy West: Hey, Salt 'n' Pepper - race you down the hill.

    Joan Jett: You're fucking on.

  • Marie Currie: You know how many new bands think they're gonna make it?

    Cherie Currie: Kim thinks we got a real shot.

    Marie Currie: Kim Fowley? That guy's a total creep. Seriously, I heard he has a coat made out of dog fur.

    Cherie Currie: Well, excuse me if I don't wanna work at the Pup 'n' Fries for the rest of my life.