have a good dream tonight

Celine 2022-03-22 09:02:34

Probably understand. A little psychedelic.

A well-dressed person has been fighting with his own heart, the world is divided into two dimensions, one is reality, the other is the heart, there are two factions fighting in the heart, invading the well-dressed person's brain in the form of dreams, trying to compete to occupy his. soul.

Ink is an ugly man (in the image of a man in this film, but most critics think he is a freehand thing.), with a big nose and a scarred face, hidden under a dirty robe.
Such a ferocious-looking person jumped up in horror like a child the moment others saw his face, and quickly covered the ugly head with a big dirty hat. .
Because he did not dare to face the guilt, the guilt of a man with a soul. (Dreammaker language)
Ink captures the child, and has to run all the way to the wicked, in exchange for beauty and joy at the expense of his soul.

The man with the cross on his eyes and seeing nothing is "Hope", he keeps counting "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4...", he can hear the world Rhythm. The people around were a little irritable, but things always happened rhythmically, as if everything was arranged, he just needed to find the starting point of the dominoes, and he could turn the world upside down. He keeps running, which means that the world keeps turning.

The dreamer doesn't try to change anything, she is only responsible for accompanying the little girl all the way and telling her: "You know, since you entered this world, you have become a lion, don't be afraid of anything, you just need Learn to roar." She gave her courage.

"The well-dressed hero gets hit by a car" is at a domino turning point. The kind dreamer allows him to feel the past of meeting his lover, as well as the bits and pieces of life with his wife and children.
The male protagonist overcomes bad emotions such as fear and guilt in the dream and returns to his wife's arms.

The male protagonist did not die in the end. "Hope with a cross in the eyes" chased the time frantically. Justice and evil faced each other head-on. At this moment, the music was very calm, and there were no ups and downs at all, showing a world that can only be found in dreams.

In the real world, the male protagonist finally overcomes some inner unease and visits the little girl.
In the Unreal world, ink transitions roles from grapplers to guardians. He suddenly took off the big cloak and defended the little girl and the dream maker with death. Ink turns out to be the dark side of the male protagonist, ruining his daughter's happiness and allowing him to maintain his dignity.
But he finally chose to give up dignity and maintain love.

Forgive yourself, pride is our essence, so all ugliness, cowardice, and unbearableness are scorned and despised by those around us.

Often times, the peace is within us.

It is OK. it is all going to be OK.

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Ink quotes

  • John: I am ruined, why can't you see that?

    Liev: Because I choose to see you for what you were intended to be, not what you've become.

  • Jacob: 'Course a good ass kicking doesn't sit well with anyone.

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