Valentine's Day & World Cup

Amelia 2022-04-19 08:01:03

In general, the plot of the collage has no flashes of inspiration, only some occasional moving fragments. If pearls are not strung with necklaces and scattered too randomly, their beauty will be discounted. But sometimes, the film appears in the right corner of life, and there is some meaning in the coincidence.

In the past two years, there have been fewer and fewer movies, most of which are lighthearted comedy dramas or suspenseful crime dramas, and even less romantic movies. The impression is that the last time I watched He's just not that into you, I began to reflect on whether I no longer had the courage to take the step of pursuing love. Then he was still busy in his own life, working hard to be an independent and strong self, and seldom even sought the help of good friends.

Busy opening questions, busy dying. When the dead companion disappeared for more than 2 months and finally submitted the picture, I began to envy the other groups in the office together. Every time they discussed, even if they quarreled, I was envious, because they were fighting side by side. But my belief in sticking to the end alone is being eroded by more and more pictures. Sister cx and sister wly have been with me for the last two days, and only when I worked hard with them did I realize the kind of help that I didn’t cherish before.

The time of submission of the map coincides with the World Cup. Last season, when I was watching a factory game, I started to communicate with Warmth through text messages or on-campus. The joy of sharing sorrow and joy reminded me of the days when I bickered with my classmates because of the team in middle school. team, but there is still a kind of support. In the World Cup, I drew pictures while watching the ball, and every time I scored a goal, I would greet everyone who drew pictures to watch. Then went to the typhoon shelter with the cat to see Germany and Argentina. Then I watched the game where Germany lost to Spain in the dormitory of Cat and Rabbit. There are also a lot of games watching and commenting with hs who support Germany. To yesterday, the World Cup finally passed. From the first time I stayed up late to watch the final of the World Cup in 1994, I was most moved by this one, because there are so many good friends.

Saw this movie yesterday. Since the summer two years ago, I have excluded love from my world and kept telling myself that my world is still beautiful without love. This summer, I began to reflect on whether I was afraid to take any steps because of fear. Behind the surface of strength is actually weakness.

The film ends with two best friends falling in love. No one can tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing. It's just a moment when I suddenly think of the friend you find every time you are depressed, and the friend you share every time you are happy. If you let him really enter your life, it may be another way. Kind of start it. One day, if this happens, I don't think I will stop it, and of course I won't take the initiative to let it happen.

My thinking is also very confusing, just like this film, because love is difficult to analyze bit by bit rationally, and some shining places are imprinted in my heart, and occasionally looking back is extremely gorgeous. I remembered that I took Line 13 last week and went to Dongzhimen for a visa early in the morning. I was too lazy to change trains. I sat all the way, and I caught a glimpse of a young boy on the road. I saw a sunny boy wearing headphones. in my heart. I should never meet again in the huge city of Beijing, but after a few years or ten years, I will occasionally think of that glimpse when I take the subway.

In the World Cup in 1994, my parents told me to get up and stay up late at night, watching the penalty kicks between Brazil and Italy, and planted a seed in my heart since I was a child. In 1998, on a trip to the west with my mother, the team photos of Spain and Germany were placed under the dining table at home, witnessing the elimination of Spain's group. In the 2002 World Cup, I watched the game with my classmates in the teacher's dormitory of lch, but I don't remember any score, I only remember the ignorance of youth at that time. In the 2006 World Cup, the first time I watched the final in the typhoon shelter, I only remembered Zizou's head. In 10 years, after watching the Premier League for a season, I began to watch football a little seriously, but there was no team to support, but at the end of my undergraduate program, I was moved by the connection with my friends. For 14 years, I should be watching football alone in a foreign country. What about 18 years, 22 years? Then finally one day I can't watch the game anymore, I can only get up in the morning and watch the score.

Life is like this, one cycle after another. Just need a time point, record, look back. The World Cup is like this, and so is Valentine's Day. Any day, as long as you bravely open the door in your heart, it is a new beginning.

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Valentine's Day quotes

  • Liz: Thank you so much for last night, I had a blast, and there is fresh coffee for you in the kitchen.

    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

  • Oversized Baggage Agent: [to Reed] Look, I'm 52, and I wear a bright blue shirt to work. Don't make me madder than I already am.