It really did.
Finally, I'd like to thank you for this man of Jesus. This man, who works so hard to make us happy. This man, who xxx me till the end of earth and promise me a Because life of eternal happiness. He's kept that promise everyday, he has.
But, hell, I just wouldn't hear!
You gave a baby up for adoption, right?
We all make mistakes but I forgive you. none of us is perfect .
I'll come back! How's that?! I'll come back later, I'll bring some coffee, and we'll talk about why you abandoned me and kept the other two children!
I was the middle child. What was wrong with me? What was wrong?
You know what? I'll take this mat ("welcome") for it's a lie!
Oh. Did I forget to mention that I'm gay? Yep. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Have been since I can remember.
Be the real me. Buy what I want. Do what I want. Fuck who I want.
Just like that. I decided to start over.
Beacause it was a delicate situation, so I have to find the right way to break it to Debbie.
-- You are what?
-- I'm gay!
It took me long to realize something that never occur to me before, actually no one has talked about this, but being gay is really expensive.
My options were limited. So I had no choice.
What do you think? Yes?
Why you do that?
The thing is, I've been a cop and I know what jail was like. There's no way I'm going there.
Steven, you stop or I'll never see you again.
Just need some in and out and you'll be fine.
He's the guy. It can cost a lot of money. Or you can suck his dick. Your choice.
Anyway, all you got to do is fight back. Win or lose, just fight back. Or you can try to suck the guy's dick. Your choice.
You got to pay for it. Or you can suck my dick. Your choice.
-- So do I need to suck your dick?
-- That'll be great.
Nice to meet you, Steve Russell, my name is Phillip Morris.
Phillip. Haven't seen you around, Phillip.
You don't look like you belong here , Phillip.
-- She sounds so sweet.
-- She's an angel.
I was born on Friday, the 13th.
-- Just give me a chance to prove you're wrong,
-- I'm sure I don't know what you are talking about.
-- Good. Good.
Check the TP (toilet paper).
It has been a long time since anybody showed me any kindness. It means a lot. Write me back soon.
Love, Phillip.
Enough romance, le't fuck.
Don't bullshit me. Don't fool me. Just answere the question.
-- Steve, that's most xxx thing
-- I just want you to be happy, baby.
-- I'm happy.
-- You got play the whole thing.
-- Alright. Alright.
I'll take care of everything.
-- What the hell are you doing?
-- I love you.
-- I love you, too. I'll be back soon. I promise. I promise. I love you, Phillip Morris. I love you.
-- You said you get here quick, but Jesus.
-- I got a lot of work to do, honey. I'm getting you out of here early.
-- I love you so much.
-- Phillip, you are the sweetest and most gentle man I have ever known. And I know people are paying attetion to that. But I want to protect you. I wanna make a life with you, Phillip.
-- Take me out of here.
Look at you!
Beacause I think we both desereve a vacation at Key West.
I'll do that today, but I don't do that really.
Fucking mormon.
Legend was just my nature.
-- Christmas in July?
-- Yeah I thought it was weired too,
-- Good car.
-- Good value.
-- It's just... Is something going on? Something you are not telling me about.
-- There isn't. There's nothing.
-- I don't care about the money. All I want is you. I just want us to be together.
-- We are always going to be together. There is nothing going on . I promise. I would never lie to you, baby.
-- Jesus has a plan for you.
-- Maybe this is his plan.
Fuck, you lied to me, in the eye. You son of a bitch!
There I was again. Keeping secrets with a lie. Like I said, I didn't do that.
I don't blame Phillip for running out on me, but I have to get him back.
-- I want you to have this. 'Cause I'm leaving soon,
-- You can't leave. I need you around here. You are the love of my life.
I know you don't think so, but you deserve to be happy.
Treat him right.
Honey, I know you are upset, but we love each other.
-- Phillip.
-- Don't.
-- I love you.
-- You took advantage of me just like the other guys. You were supposed to protect me. But you are just another to make a fool out of me. And you expect me to love you? How can I... how can I love you? I don't even know who you are. You know what's sad? I don 't even think you know who you are. So how am I supposed to love someone like this, you tell me. I'll never forgive you, Steve, never.
How does a person who doesn't exist go on existing? The answer is, he doesn't.
sleeps into a coma
I love you. I have never stopped loving you. You are the most amazing man. You take my breath away. Even I can't be with you right now. But I'll always be yours. Forever. If you have to go , go. I'll be right there. Okay?
-- How do I know you are not bullshiting me again?
-- You don't.
secure one's release
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