the best friend

Jamir 2022-04-19 08:01:03

You kindly sent a text message in the early hours of this morning, always short,
"Hey, lunatic, happy holidays."

Thank you so much...

I accidentally saw this movie again, and suddenly remembered that you were incoherent that day. a phone call.

You said, lunatic, nothing, just haven't contacted you for a long time.
You said, did something happen at your school again?

Yeah, a month ago.

Say, how are you doing lately?
You said, who broke up with whom, it's very sad, please comfort her.
You said, no one contacted me, what's the matter, he, you know.
You said, the weather is bad there, and you don't want to spend summer.
said, why didn't you ask me how my life was.

Well, how are you doing?

You said, it's not very good, I'm sick, and I'm on a drip, but don't worry, my girlfriend won't want what I already have.
You are very cheap to say that I am lively, cute, smart, kind, romantic, suave, and naturally live a very happy life, wow kaka.

Do you have anything on your mind

? You said, no, you are really, hey, so unbelievable that I am romantic and unrestrained.

I can’t remember, what you said next was illogical, you played guard in the game, you have papers to hand in recently, and you skipped class a few times a week...

You hesitated for a long time, saying, I just watched the department The movie, called "Valentine's Day", is quite touching. There is a person who has a bad relationship. A friend told him that he and his best friend are very happy to be married.

Oh, I've seen it.

You asked me what I thought of that film, and I searched my stomach to describe it, but I just said, well, it's quite long.

You said, in the end, he and his best friend... oops, they're going to call my daughter-in-law.
You hung up the phone hastily.

37 minutes is enough to realize that we still can't do it, huh, I already knew that, didn't I?

But let me tell you secretly, the day I watched the movie, I missed you so much, and if it wasn't three o'clock in the morning, I would have called you right away.

But darling, that's not love.
I will always remember that you are my best friend.

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Valentine's Day quotes

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    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

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