favorite ralph

Willa 2022-12-25 09:02:12

I read the novel the year before, but I insisted on reading it
and then searched for the film. At that time, I was so excited that I almost fainted when I saw the lineup of Ralph and julianne,
but verycd was too slow, so I never saw it...
I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to watch the DVD today. It

’s about Companion, true love, jealousy caused by love, jealousy, revenge, religious redemption, the
heroine Sarah has no feelings for her dull civil servant husband, falls in love with her husband's writer friend,
in London under the bombardment of the enemy, two people who clearly love each other deeply People hurt each other because of all kinds of fetters.
Husband and lover are jealous of each other because of the same deep love for Sarah.
Finally, the heroine finally gave up her promise to God and wanted to divorce her husband and be with her lover. When she died and
left behind The overwhelmed husband and the lonely lover
(the plot is not as simple as I said...)

It's hard to judge objectively because there are too many personal preferences for the two protagonists...
Ralph plays everything I'm overwhelmed,
J's The performance felt a little stiff at first, but it got better later on, but I still felt a little sloppy in the grasp of some lines. The line

that left Bendrix after being bombed was very unconvincing...
Originally, the novel has mysticism. ...Sarah's role is too difficult to grasp, especially after being influenced by religion,

I still feel that Ralph's complex emotions such as fierce love, jealousy, and the thrill of revenge are more subtle
. I don't understand why J was nominated by the Academy...
I don't even understand why R didn't even get a nomination.

In short, the film made me clear all the puzzles I left after reading the novel. I
really can't watch the movie if I can't read the original English version... It's a waste to watch the translated version...
In a short film, I really experienced Sarah's love due to boredom, burnout due to love, sacrifice due to love
and the subtle mutual jealousy and jealousy relationship between husband and lover.

Great movie, art , The costume design is in place
. The most important thing is the gorgeous protagonists~

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Extended Reading

The End of the Affair quotes

  • Sarah: Are you on a new book?

    Maurice Bendrix: Of course.

    Sarah: It's not about us, is it? The one you threatened to write?

    Maurice Bendrix: A book takes a year to write. It's too hard work for revenge.

    Sarah: If only you knew how little you had to revenge.

    Maurice Bendrix: I'm joking. We are adults. We knew it had to end some time. Now we can have lunch and talk about your husband.

  • Maurice Bendrix: You have to understand. I'm jealous of everything that moves. I'm jealous of the rain!