The Punishment of Sisyphus

Elyse 2022-03-22 09:01:56

Sisyphus, written by Camus, is my favorite mythological figure. Because he was nostalgic for the world and refused to accept the arrival of the death, he violated the will of the god of death. In the end, God punished him and made him push a boulder to climb a steep mountain all day long. Once the boulder reaches the peak, it will immediately roll down, and he will keep pushing the boulder to climb again, and every time the boulder rolls back to its original place, and he will never stop repeating this action.

This kind of punishment was in my mind at first, but it can actually be used as a philosophical thinking about the life of myself and others. Maybe each of us is Sisyphus, and each of us is repeating the repetition of life, maybe life is like this The process, reaching the peak, will eventually fall to the origin, we are born, possessed, and then die, with nothing, all we can have, that is, our efforts to climb the steep hillside of life, the boulder is our achievement, even if we reach the peak, How can it be? The boulder will still roll down, and we will climb a new life again in another life cycle.

I believe that we can all be reborn, I believe that death is another life, we have changed our bodies, our minds, and our memories have been formatted, so we think this is the first time we have come to the world, but we will not believe us In fact, we have been here many times. Therefore, in our new life, we once again pushed up boulders to climb steep hills, and in each reincarnation, we repeated endlessly again and again.

I believe that I will not be Prometheus, I will not be able to bring fire to others, and I will not be so great. I believe that I have the ability to thoroughly understand the world. I would like to be Sisyphus. It is the process of pushing the boulder to climb, not the end of the boulder reaching its peak.

This is a film about Sisyphus, a never-ending cycle of reincarnation, about the reincarnation of a soul, and our reflections on life.

"Horror Cruise", at first I had no confidence in it, the old-fashioned name, the old-fashioned plot, I thought it was just a cliché ghost movie for entertainment, and it was true at the beginning, in the middle of the sea, there are large cruise ships drifting slowly When I came, I knew it must be an empty cruise ship full of ghosts, and it really is, and the story begins.

It wasn't until the very simple plot of the first act ended and the beginning of the second act that I gradually realized that this was not an ordinary movie. If the first act ended in a hurry, I would definitely slap the table and scold my mother and denounce what kind of strange it was. Terrible! It turns out that this is a movie that traverses time and space like "Lola Run", "Butterfly Effect" and "Password of Life and Death", and it is not just such a movie, it is also closer to "Dead End", with style, freehand brushwork, atmosphere all alike.

In fact, the answer has already been given in the first act: when the five of them boarded the cruise ship and carefully read the origin of the name of the cruise ship, the ship was called "Aeolus", which is Sisyphus' father. Knowing Sisyphus' sin of God's punishment, then, this movie turned out to be about the beginning of repeated stories. The only surviving protagonist, JESS, because of three repetitions (boarding the ship, killing his companion, killing the murderer himself), also transformed into a Three ever-transforming JESS.

Well, watching the whole movie, all the first connections can be connected in a normal order, instead of the fragmented suspense at the beginning of the movie, the following is a big spoiler in the normal order:

JESS is a divorced single mother, and her son is overturned Pigment prevented her from going to the appointment on time. Due to the depression of the divorce, she was very rude to her son. Amid his son's cries, she hurried to go to the appointment and rushed to the entertainment of a friend's boating at sea. As a result, she increased the speed because she was afraid of being late. She eventually collided with the truck, killing her and her son in the crash.

The soul of JESS stood at the corpses of her and her son and watched silently. A "taxi driver" walked behind her and asked her if she wanted to take a ride. All the people at the scene of the accident did not see this JESS, only this "driver" Being able to see her and pick her up in the car, it is not difficult to see that this "driver" is the god of death, who takes her to the underworld. You should be back, right?" JESS said: "YES, I PROMISE" means promising death, and he will lead him to death, but JESS broke his promise and went to sea with his friends.

In this way, they suffered a Sisyphus-style divine punishment. The ship was wrecked by a storm at sea. The five surviving people waited for rescue on the wreckage on the deck. A giant cruise ship of "Aeolus" came over, so they thought they were rescued. In fact, it was an empty ship. One person's "ghost ship", and then various suspense points began to emerge, JESS picked up a key to his own home, the words "GO TO THEATER" written in blood on the mirror, his companion was killed by masked people in the theater, and he and Meng In the face of the murderer, the murderer was finally shot down and fell into the ocean. In the end, he thought it was all over. He heard a turntable in the deck room making a strange sound due to the malfunction of the magnetic needle. JESS adjusted it with his hand. There were five people who were exactly like their companions and stood on the wreckage of the deck calling for help. Well, here we compare this JESS (main perspective) to A.

So, the new five people boarded the ship, and the exact same plot happened. The new JESS (B) met the old JESS (A) and was horrified, and in the same way, four people were killed, and the new JESS (B) survived. The second separate round, JESS(A) started a separate round from the one we first saw, then JESS(A) was on deck to see JESS(B) fighting the killer to shoot it down to the sea, but the action It was completely different from the clothes. When everything was over, five people called for help on the deck and boarded the ship. At this time, a new cycle began, and a new JESS (C) appeared.

In the end, she (JESS A) decides to change the pattern herself and start a new reincarnation, to stop everyone from boarding the ship and a tragedy, so she grabs a shotgun, puts on a hood, and kills all her companions to end this reincarnation, but JESS (C ) escaped and fought her, so the same scenario as the first act happened, and finally our protagonist (JESS A) fell into the sea and was sent back to the shore.

When she got home, she saw the moment when she was about to go out for an appointment. Her son saw her and knocked over the paint in surprise. She was scolded by herself at the time and slapped her son in the face. She (JESS A) was very She regretted her actions at that time and wanted to be a good mother to make up for her son, so she did not hesitate to walk into the house, smashed herself in that time and space with a hammer, and carried her son to a date, and died in a car accident on the way. My first paragraph.

This is a spoiler connected to the normal development of the plot. If it is shot like this, it is estimated that there will be no suspense. And we can also see the transformation of the protagonist. At first, she was inexplicably mutilated as a puzzled boarding person, and later she became a lurker who rescued her partner, and finally became an actor who prevented the situation from repeating the tragedy. With the protagonist falling into the sea, it seems to be over, but in fact everything is far from over. When she went home and killed herself, completed the redemption and tried to make amends for her son, but failed to prevent the car accident from happening, so she broke the promise of death and boarded a friend's yacht to start another cycle. At this time, she had actually become a massacre of everyone. masked murderer.

The whole film is logically rigorous, and the first link is quite strict. As the three protagonists, they all start a completely independent journey of reincarnation that does not involve each other. They start their own journeys on a cruise ship. There is no concept of time, and there is no beginning and end. The end, the end is the beginning.

On the surface, it is telling a story of divine punishment about Sisyphus, which is suspenseful and terrifying, but it is actually telling such a philosophy.

Maybe we're all wondering if we'd be different if we went back in time, or if we could do it all over again, if we could change the course of everything and go back to where we want it to end.

Just imagine that we have the power to control time, to go back to the moment we originally chose, to do what we want to do, yes, then we have control, but the control of all this is in We ourselves, and we cannot control the objective situation and the thinking of others, and the end result is that because we cannot grasp the development of the objective situation, nor control the thinking of others, everything seems to be in your grasp, but it also deviates from it. Our original intention.

The "butterfly effect" is about such a truth. The more you control it, the facts will turn to the other side.

For example, if we lost a loved one, because of our reckless impulses or even our youth and ignorance, can we go back to the past? Maybe it’s really saved, but we can’t control her/his heart, and we can’t control all the objective reality that happens around him/her, so things seem to be resolved for a short time, and a new lost path has started since then, maybe He/she left because of something else, maybe he/she left us because he/she fell in love with someone else, we control time, we control ourselves, and in the end, the truth deviates far more than we expected.

In "The Butterfly Effect", his girlfriend finally committed suicide, turning back time, but he was thrown into prison for killing the younger brother who always mutilated her, turning back time, he went to prevent the tragedy of youth and ruined his hands, his girlfriend loves Going on his friend, going back in time, he finally knew that everything was out of control, he chose not to be born, and there is no him in the world. Such tragedies have appeared again and again in movies about "parallel universes". Maybe this is a kind of fate. Fate cannot be controlled. If you lose it, you will eventually lose it.

Sometimes we think about it, the era that made us regret, the self that we couldn’t even know, the us who even had the urge to destroy ourselves in that era, such a “self” does not exist in our own self. What? What makes us suddenly no longer know ourselves, what makes us so different from yesterday? If you haven't experienced this, how can you have a different self?

Regarding the crossing of parallel universes, everyone has the good wishes of making up and redeeming sins, and fantasizes to travel through time and space to change the facts that make us sad, and time is born with the birth of the universe, and it will not flow back to the timeless. Realm, instead of trying to grasp those irreversible facts in the regrets of yesterday, it is better to live well today, face the people in front of you, be kind to your family, and be kind to yourself.

Do Sisyphus, every effort, feel the joy of the process, regardless of its ending, enjoyment, appreciation is enough.

PS: The background of this film

1) is the Greek myth of Sisyphus pushing stones. After being thrown into the underworld, Sisyphus asked for three days to return to the world to bury his corpse, but when he returned to the world, he was nostalgic and refused to leave, betrayed his promise, and was eventually captured by Hermes.

2) It is a famous narrative poem "THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER" (translated as "The Song of the Old Sailor" or "The Song of the Ancient Ship") by the British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He shot an albatross and brought bad luck to the sailboat, so the wind stopped and the world seemed to stand still. The crew, weakened by extreme hunger and thirst, removed the cross from the old sailor's neck and hung the dead bird as punishment. At this time, a deserted ghost ship sailed from afar, with a lonely banshee standing on the ship, who symbolized The Night-Mare and LIFE-IN-DEATH was she. After boarding the ship, the sailor's companions fell to the ground one by one under the curse of the banshee, and their corpses all stared at the old sailor with their eyes open and their dying eyes, as if condemning his fault for all disasters. And only the old sailor could not die no matter what. He spent seven days and seven nights of terror and pain on the ship and finally repented and began to pray for all living beings. At this time, the albatross around his neck fell off automatically and fell into the sea. An apparition of the Virgin Mary grants the old sailor a sweet sleep and sends him back to land by the corpse in a boat. The old sailor survived, but he was doomed to live alone in self-blame and the resentment of the undead. He repeated this story when he saw everyone, exhorting people to be careful about their words and deeds, and not to trample on any creatures, no matter how weak they seemed.

The theme of The Old Sailor's Song is the original sin of Christianity. I remember Jess snatched the apple from Victor's hand when he saw the seabird pecking at Downey's body on the deck (Victor took a bite in the restaurant and ran out with it) and smashed it at the seabird, the apple was the original sin, The disaster that meant everything started with Jess. In the poem, the crew hangs the dead bird around the neck of the old sailor to remind him of the crime he committed, and Jess hangs a picture of her son around his neck, implying that the son is like the innocent albatross who was hurt because of his mother's rudeness and selfishness. (Jess always beat and scolded his son because of the stress of raising a child alone) and eventually died in a car accident caused by his mother. And Jess can only live in repentance with a necklace that symbolizes his sin forever.

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Triangle quotes

  • Victor: [shocked to see Jess] How did you get here so fast?

    Jess: [frantic] Victor you gotta listen to me. We don't have much time.

    Victor: Whoa whoa what's going on? Where's Greg?

    Jess: He's dead.

    Victor: What?

    Jess: No no I mean he was dead

    Victor: What are you saying?

    Jess: Downstairs right now is a copy of myself. Me! Walking and talking with Greg.

  • Victor: [pointing at a picture of the ship] Check it out. This is the same ship. This thing's old.

    Downey: Yeah, 1932. It is the same. Here's where we boarded.

    Victor: [reads name of the ship] Aeolus.

    Downey: Aeolus. Aeolus was the Greek god of the winds and the father of Sisyphus, the man condemned by the gods to the task of pushing a rock up a mountain only to have it roll back down again.

    Victor: That's a shitty punishment. What did he do?

    Sally: He cheated Death. No, he made a promise to Death that he didn't keep.