To love someone, you must include her shortcomings and faults

Adelbert 2022-04-19 08:01:03

The content is okay, and the structure is especially good.
The love stories between several couples are connected by the Valentine's Day event, influence each other, interlace, and finally achieve several love stories.
Foreign films are always made to be extraordinarily real.
Marriage is more of a habitual choice.
When the face is gone with the wind, the ambition will not change, basically.
So, marrying a buddy is a good choice.
But how many people will choose buddy?
Buddy means no distance, no beauty, no heartbeat.
I didn't do it in the past.

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Valentine's Day quotes

  • Liz: Thank you so much for last night, I had a blast, and there is fresh coffee for you in the kitchen.

    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

  • Oversized Baggage Agent: [to Reed] Look, I'm 52, and I wear a bright blue shirt to work. Don't make me madder than I already am.