Whose Valentine's Day is this?

Bertram 2022-04-19 08:01:03

Although I didn’t think it was interesting, but I was bored in the afternoon, so I went to watch it. Who let the school off this week, hey, this is not forcing people to go to the cinema. I originally wanted to start watching Valentine’s Day at 3 o’clock, wait until 7 o’clock, and play for free. Go to another screening room and see Percy Jackson and the Lighnting Thief. Unfortunately, my wife's patience is limited, so I still found a place to eat pizza at 5:30.

In fact, if you want to write a film review for this movie, there is really nothing to write about. To sum it up in one sentence: I vaguely see the shadow of love actually, but, unfortunately, unfortunately, it is just a shadow.

In fact, the film is really not complicated, very uncomplicated. It just tells the story of Valentine's Day in 16 hours a day. In fact, I feel that the story is very nonsense. It overemphasizes the efficiency of Valentine's Day, while ignoring the essence of love does not mean The speed of a one-night stand, for example, Taylar Lautner successfully proposed in the morning, Jessica Alba boarded him in the afternoon, and in the evening, he started kissing Jennifer Garner, what are you talking about? Also, Taylor Swift and his boyfriend, before the TV interview, it was crazy, but the fact is, Taylor Swift obviously lives alone, why does his boyfriend only take him to the elevator door at night? Also, in the trailer, I clearly heard Jennifer Garner say to Jonathan Morgan Heit, I promise to date you today, but you can't tell anyone. Just a few simple words, I have never heard it in the movie, hey. Also, I don't know exactly what Bradley Cooper's character is in the show, but why is he so rich and sitting in economy class on international travel just to flirt with Julia Roberts? However, how did he become gay in the end, I can't stand it, in fact, the sound of the whole movie theater is really good. . . . I don't know how to describe it. The last question, I have always valued Anne Hathaway too much. In fact, I figured it out, that is, a third-level film came out.

Except for a lot of big names, there is nothing else. Roughly five minutes for everyone, right? It's about the same time as shooting a small commercial.

Well, the script is really bad. I have seen the level of script in domestic films. However, I admire Hollywood a little bit. No matter how second-rate the script is, it can always be processed into a smooth post. In fact, it is not hard to watch this movie. Yes, this film, the biggest requirement is to watch it. kindness. A bunch of big names Taylor Swift's performance is not yet MV level, Anne Hathaway's dew point can be directly used as a third-level film, Julia Roberts, Jamie Foxx, Queen Latifah's acting skills are all wasted.

If you say, the view of love in the movie, my idea is this, this movie teaches us the following view of love (this is the value of misleading love).

1. After breaking up, you can't be friends, but if you have good friends, you can make do with it after breaking up. But if you make a sequel, I think, you will do it at your own risk.

2. No matter how young you are, you can be irresponsible for your own feelings.

3. Conversely, when you are older, you can also make up for the young and frivolous.

4. If you are crooked, even if you are usually busy with one-night stands, you must be single on Valentine's Day.

5. That, love her, or 'love' her, please make up the lesson a little, there are so many flowers in the world, do you have to go to her best friend's flower spot to buy two bunches of flowers?

6. There is nothing to say, start typing the paper.

I think, go watch love actully again, at least, this is the movie that can really make people warm.

Let go of Mind Trick and come up, congratulations, this is the first complete song I sang this year, praise myself, and I think the song is out of tune and is still within my acceptable range, um, handmade, start typing the paper, tomorrow It's done, thank goodness.

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    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

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