history boys

Aaliyah 2022-03-28 09:01:13

I really have to admire myself . I
watched the second half of the movie
and didn't notice anything different. . . Orz
has been thinking
about how the screenwriter jumped to the back of the plot without explaining it clearly
- is it a flashback?
——Or did the screenwriter have the confidence to challenge the audience’s understanding
and then watch it and then suddenly realize
that the story is about to end
. It’s actually the second half of the episode
. . .
The file name clearly says = of cd1. =
So after watching the second half and then the first half,
I really convinced myself
I don't know if it was because I watched the second half first that I felt that the story was a little unclear
, and the tone of the second half was rather gray,
which made me want to scold "In the end" Who is the genius who classified this movie as a comedy?!"
And the first half does have some comedy plots...
But overall, I still don't think it can be regarded as a comedy
. The movie has a British-style depression
, especially the second half
And the tricks played by the smart boys in the front
have a cunning meaning
that they are smart big kids
Posner sings well
and his attitude towards his sexuality is a bit baffling
"...it's phased... I'm not sure if I want this phase to pass..."
While Dakin is typically sly, clever and conceited
, he likens progress with Fiona to war and
he seems to enjoy being loved by Posner
He teases the male teacher
. He grabs the headmaster's handle to keep Hecter.
To be honest, his face is full of undisguised intelligence, childish cunning
, and the one with a Looney type face is
also a violent philosophy
and Hecter, this old grandpa who smiles like Uncle KFC,
I still think his indecent assault on students is more like a provocation or demonstration to his wife. He
always smiles and
doesn't take Oxbridge exams seriously .
Asking them to recite poems that they might understand and like in the future.
He likes quotations and is almost paranoid ...
Though I don't actually understand their famous quotes, the
boys seem to have such a feeling that they even suddenly act in dramas from time to time. And I'm not tired of it ... well , actually, I'm not too sure what the movie wants to convey , especially when Hecter has an accident at the end and Posner becomes a teacher seems to be a response to Hecter's words "...pass on..." (I forgot ahhh... sweat...)

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Extended Reading

The History Boys quotes

  • [discussing Posner liking Dakin]

    Scripps: Oh, Pos, with your spaniel heart. It will pass.

    Posner: Yes, it's a phase. Who says I want it to pass? But the pain, the *pain*.

    Scripps: Hector would say it's the only education worth having.

    Posner: Yes. I just wish there were marks for it.

  • [about A.E. Housman]

    Timms: Wasn't he a nancy, sir?

    Hector: Foul, festering, grubby-minded little trollop! Do not use that word!

    [Hector hits Timms on the head with an exercise book]

    Timms: But you use it, sir!

    Hector: I do, sir, I know, but I am far gone in age and decrepitude.