acknowledge human nature

Agustina 2022-09-03 01:46:31

This film is about spiritual healing, not a romance, although the ending is barely considered love. The male protagonist lost his beloved wife. He wrote a book of spiritual healing in three years. After publication, he held a workshop to bear other people who were traumatized.
Most of the scenes are indoor conversations, and a few Seattle street scenes also lack sunlight and are mostly night. The film is dominated by dialogue.
It is impossible to completely recover the mental damage of human beings, which is probably the product of biological evolution. A good doctor does not heal himself, the writer's mind is the most sensitive (the suicide rate can be proved), and the most difficult to rescue is self-salvation with the help of friends. The main line of the film is such a process.
People's feelings are damaged, although they can be repaired, they cannot be recovered; it is considered a success to continue to operate at a normal rhythm. There are two ways to deal with trauma, one is to close, block news, avoid the environment, people, objects, and don’t mention the past, so as to avoid secondary infection caused by external factors. This is what most people instinctively think of and adopt. The second is to open the wound surface and clean it up after the previous treatment is completed. Just like surgery to treat a serious illness, one must experience pain and danger and remove a part of the tissue. The successful result is that you are no longer afraid of external stimulation, and you can live calmly. . What about the price? Removal of tissue often means the reduction or loss of certain functions, and some emotional indifference or abandonment.

Going through life smoothly is a victory. Even if you cannot achieve the original highest goal, you must correct it and reach a milestone; just like the discussion about funerals in the film, funerals are not about praising the greatness of the deceased, but more about proving the meaning of past existence.
Love hurts, and good things are always fragile, making people bleed and even die. On the contrary, living without emotion, like Xiaoqiang, has a thousand times stronger vitality. Whether this kind of life is meaningful is open to question.

People under the age of 18 or those who are in a happy relationship should not watch this film, or they can't appreciate it, or affect their good mood.
In addition to hormone drugs, there is no absolutely objective method of psychotherapy. There is nothing wrong with the motivational methods of group mutual suggestion and self-suggestion used in the study class in the film. Just as medicine can also cure disease and poison. Psychological suggestion methods and brainwashing can be used in religion, politics, economics (pyramid marketing), and can also be used to treat mental trauma.

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Love Happens quotes

  • Eloise: Can I say something? And, and this comes from a place of total humility. With the acknowledgment that my life is a day-by-day experiment in... really bad decisions. But, er... you're really messed up.

  • Burke: [first lines, in voice-over] Chapter one. Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise, life will give you lemons. When that happens, you've got two choices, friend: you can wear a sour face or make lemonade.