Compare this film with eavesdropping

Bailee 2022-03-22 09:02:04

Comparing this film with eavesdropping,

it seems obvious that some things in people's lives are simpler.
Just struggle, work hard, get close to the first-class, then enter the first-class, and then surpass the ordinary first-class, just fine.

It's still a good life. I don’t know if it’s really late for me to go abroad, it’s still quite a long way from such a life. At home, you have to deal with a lot of messy things that are neither black nor white, bad mentality, and so on.

Once you step into Vanity Fair, it seems that you will live in the bottom line of morality.

Not fun.

Feel free to sigh, you don't have to take it seriously, there are still happy moments and happy sides in life, be optimistic and bright.

It doesn't matter when you are crying, just wake up and keep working hard.

learn, learn and learn.

We have to learn from Mr. Wang Meng, and learning is our bones.

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Rudy quotes

  • Daniel: [Upon entering Notre Dame Stadium] This is the most beautiful sight these eyes have ever seen!

  • Frank: Ara again? You gonna get an autographed picture and kiss it every night before you go to bed?

    Rudy: What is your problem?

    Frank: Or maybe he'll give you permission to wipe his ass.