A tragic life has to be called a comedy

Olen 2022-03-23 09:02:36

Those who consider themselves to be relatively weak in terms of psychological endurance in terms of watching movies, the most
unseen thing is that the lovers who used to be together are finally separated from life and death or the once beautiful expectations are shattered one by one.
There is a disc lying in the bookcase and I haven't read it until now, just because its name is Once, perhaps
, what scares me the most is the word "once", a rhetoric that accurately expresses that it existed in the past
and is now gone, Beautiful and cruel.
The visitor was also bought a year ago. At that time, I was charmed by the "comedy" logo printed on it, but it
was because I forgot to take it to school, so I couldn't see it. In the afternoon, after
a noisy festival, I was finally the only one left at home. Playing with a DVD player that has not been touched for a long time
, the large TV screen in
Nuoda completely different feeling from that of a laptop.
A dull, boring, unchanging man named Walter, in the same gray and cold
house, pressing the monotonous black and white keys, his world has become
synonymous with . And a forced geographic shift recolored his world.
seemstrange to be unrelated, but they are naturally highly integrated, as if each other is the fate of each other,
and finally found each other after enduring a brief separation. .
All the sadness was melted away by beauty, giving people the illusion that the prince and princess lived
happily . Unfortunately, the director does not seem to like fairy tales. He took all the gifts and
let Walter return to his lonely world. I have always believed that only those who have loved
will be hurt by the past. However, in the same way, the heart that is branded with the mark of love
will be exceptionally strong. Such a short encounter is probably enough to support Walter to finish the meeting.
It seems like a lonely life.

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The Visitor quotes

  • Zainab: Why did you invite him?

    Tarek Khalil: We're staying in his apartment. What could I do?

    Zainab: And I'll be stuck with him while you play your drum.

    Tarek Khalil: You know you're very sexy when you're mad at me.

    [leans in to kiss her]

    Prof. Walter Vale: [interrupts] Hello! If you don't mind, I think I will come.

    Tarek Khalil: Cool.

    Prof. Walter Vale: Let me get my coat.

    [Zainab frustrates]

  • Prof. Walter Vale: I've been teaching the same course for 20 years, and it doesn't mean anything to me. None of it does. I pretend. I pretend that I'm busy, that I'm working, that I'm writing. I'm not doing anything.