Treat life kindly

Chet 2022-03-22 09:02:05

This is a 1998 film based on Dickens' novel. Gwyneth Paltrow was in power in her youth and thin, and she is one of the few "small but natural" actresses in Hollywood that I have seen so far. To be honest, I have a problem with the Chinese translation of the title of this movie - "Love the Wind and Cloud"? It is obviously a literary film with soft colors and slow rhythm, which is made like a passionate pornographic film.
Life is full of twists and turns, and some people's fate inherits sadness. They repeat "This girl will hurt you." The boy said, "It is my heart, it's broken." So the boy became a man after his heart was broken. And the escaped prisoner was the pilot who later reshaped the boy's life, which made people sigh. Even if life is like a train, even if someone accompanies you just one stop away, they may take you on that bifurcated track.
Be kind to others, be kind to yourself, be kind to life.

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Extended Reading

Great Expectations quotes

  • Finn: The night all of my dreams came true, and like all happy endings,It was a tragedy, Of my device, for I succeeded. I had cut myself loose from Joe, from the past, from the gulf, from poverty I had invented myself. I'd done it cruelly, but I had done it. I was free!

  • Finn: if this isn't love, I don't think I can handle the real thing