There is no boring life, only boring attitude towards life

Rosanna 2022-04-19 09:02:04

I didn't know it was a food movie until I watched it, so I couldn't help but press pause to cook the food halfway through the middle of the night, and resumed when my stomach was satisfied - but of course the movie itself is not just a visual textbook of food, there are many Seemingly easy but rich in life experience, I understand, I will not talk about it, I will write it out and let it dry.
Julie and Julia, after reading I don't know which is Julie and which is Julia, only know that one is the little cook and the other is the chef played by Meryl Streep, and so on Let it be.
Let’s talk about the little cook first, the little cook is an American ant family: 30% off, renting a house, living in a dwelling, broken writer’s dream, the occupation is the low-level white-collar who answers the phone, and I can’t compare with the little sisters... But I can beat her and her lover In total, I set a goal for my hobby. Since then, my childhood has been full and enjoyable. Then I wonder, how can she not talk to her husband about "the daily limit" and "the school district room"? --And such words are ubiquitous and familiar in the family life around us.
It's not impossible to talk about it, I talk about it too, but if you talk about it all day long and the whole people talk about it, it is not very normal. Loving life is never something that can be considered until you have all the material conditions sorted out. Besides, the desire for money is endless, and financial status and happiness are not always proportional. I always see that so many people in life are busy, and it is normal to be busy, but it is strange that when they have the opportunity to be free, many people look like they are at a loss, shouting: so boring, so boring. Compared to a person like Little Chef who has hobbies and devotion to it, he really answers the sentence: there is no boring life, only a boring attitude towards life.
Besides, the chef, she seems to be a beautiful and professional wife, but before marriage, she was also an old maid in her 10s or 40s. If she married herself in a hurry to complete the task, would she still have such a loving and happy marriage? From the character, I can feel her optimism, open-mindedness, calmness, and cheerfulness from the bottom of her heart, which also creates her outlook on life, affects the people around her, and also infects audiences like me.
I would also like to further say that when they show curiosity and love for life and dedicate themselves to it, their other half will naturally be conquered by the irresistible light in them, which is very important for marriage. Life is very helpful. At this time, they don't have to bother with their husbands at all, and the other party will naturally come over and say, "You are the bread, and I am the butter on the bread." Speaking of this, it is not all because cooking can bring men For the sake of taste satisfaction, there are many such examples. You must have forgotten that there is such a paragraph in "Hidden": Yu Zecheng took Cuiping to the suburbs to test guns, and saw that Cuiping shot a good shot, Yu Zecheng sincerely Said: "I find you particularly attractive." This sentence is saying this.

I'm done with the topic related to the title. And a few little nonsense about what they both call "success" from my professional perspective. Obviously, they are not chasing results, they just find their favorite "amateur job" and do the best they can. "Success" is only the result of their maturity, and their satisfaction. Another part of feeling. But if you put aside the movie and look at the reason for their "success" from a bystander's point of view, in fact, the most important thing is "accurate positioning".
The chef is very simple. She thought very clearly from the beginning that she wanted to write a "French cookbook for Americans who never use cookbooks"; this positioning determined her in the field of French cuisine. In the heart of American cooks. Second position.
As for the little chef, writing was not successful at the beginning, but she started with food, found a few good entry points, and carried out effective integration, and unexpectedly fulfilled her dream of being a writer.
The following is a simple analysis for her from the perspective of product marketing:

1. Food articles --- Food is a popular topic nowadays, and the articles are her products, so food articles are products with best-selling potential;
2. There are many food articles, different Yes: Little Chef put forward the slogan of "cooking 524 dishes in 365 days, and updating the blog every day"---this is a quantitative consumer commitment, and it is also a unique product sales strategy of Little Chef;
3. The cookbook of the little chef is based on the chef's recipe that has been republished countless times - this is the brand benchmark. To put it bluntly, it is to use the well-known brand of the chef as its own brand spokesperson;
4. The little chef Prospective writer's writing -- good execution.
5. Blog - a form of media, free and guaranteed smooth access to consumers, including her end consumers - publishers.

The combination of the above points finally made the little chef a success - although the 90-year-old chef was not happy.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.