I just want to watch that same-sex fight

Chet 2022-03-23 09:02:57

Rock 'n' roll got boring, the offspring, Linkin Park, greenday all those oil-and-pink guys roaring in there all day is just empty stuff I hate the president you dumped me again I'm annoyed and stuff like that, I can't hear it What's the difference between today's Xie Tianxiao's new pants Muma and those pop singers who sing slobbery songs, they still sound like those songs from thirty or forty years ago, and my CD rack is still far from the 90s The albums that I listened to seven or eight years ago, the sex pistols, led zeppelin, bob dylan, jimi hendrix, guns n'roses, Bauhaus, Sonic Youth, these guys who either retired or dissolved or prospered or died, still occupy a large number of my hearing organ. Times create heroes, and it was a great era of change for the liberation of despairing human nature. It is said that the essence of rock and roll is the pursuit of real things. According to Camus, one of the true colors of man is resistance, but today, with the prevalence of neoconservatism, there is no such background as the World War, Vietnam War, Student Movement, Communist Movement, Massacre, Great Depression. Lyrics Write what? against the government? Does anyone dare after 8 Harmony 9? Expressing sadness? Guo Jingming's non-mainstream people have collectively turned this word into a derogatory term, saying that you are sad is equivalent to saying that you are an idiot. Ordinary people, apart from the trivial things that you love me, I don't love you, and your leaders and colleagues every day, who are you going to fight against?
I bought this book at a small bookstore that day. I watched the movie first, read the book later, and then came back to read it in one breath. I knew that Li An had not grasped the era. The same-sex description of the tired book, the film is not that taste, the music festival is only one of the background rather than the object of the narrative, maybe everyone understands the music festival in various aspects, but at least, Ang Lee did not shoot Tiber The love for woodstock depicted in the book was, after all, the event that changed his life. In fact, in terms of culture, although Ang Lee has repeatedly broken the taboo precedent, but to control such a grand proposition, an outsider obviously lacks the heat. What is disgusting is that there is a comment written by Tao Zhe on the back page of this book. I don’t know why the Chinese publisher of this book asked such an unreliable person to comment on this book, because I don't believe this kid has any insight into hippie culture at all, even a guy who's just a little bit into rock or hippie culture won't write or sing that shitty music, Woodstock is a This kind of attitude, here does not pay attention to what music has no boundaries.
Woodstock is a term that is both close and far away from us. I am afraid that most Chinese people watch this movie because of Ang Lee's name. Even my mother heard about Ang Lee who filmed Lust Caution this time. She made a new film, and after seeing the film, she knew that the film was about a music festival, and occasionally learned some sporadic symbols: the beat generation, hippies and the like. The reason is that rock and roll is a post-modern thing, and it is difficult to understand without the cultural background. Does China have post-modernity? I don't think so, do you? So what is the biennale after the solo exhibitions held in China now? Why do so many people call themselves postmodern artists? In fact, it is necessary to admit that China has a postmodern phenomenon, but there is no postmodern soil that breeds it. China has just established its modern culture. Just like the situation of performance art in China, is it acceptable for the public to take off your clothes and splash some ink and make trouble? In the same way, can the peasants in White Lake Town, who have never even been out of New York State, understand this show? All they see in their eyes are drugs, promiscuity, homosexuality, a bunch of terribly bad boys and the same noise as the factory, which is rootless stuff.
Whether you understand it or not, make Woodstock tell the story of a group of ambitious, cynical, escapist youths who organize a rock show. In fact, the charm of any film is not in the diversity of experts and professors. The cultural core of the narrative dual structure can only impress the audience with two words: resonance and moving. After reading it, I think that we had a similar youth back then. I remember that when I inserted the book into the bookshelf, I flipped to the dusty stupid magazine that we ran in the university that year, and think about those fuckers back then. Years, fucking tears.

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Extended Reading

Taking Woodstock quotes

  • Elliot Tiber: Where are my arms?

  • [Elliot finds his father pouring a jug into the freshly-filled swimming pool]

    Elliot Tiber: Dad, that's bleach for the laundry.

    Jake Teichberg: It kills the germs. What's the difference?