"Julie" and "Julia".

Micheal 2022-04-18 17:34:53

At this moment, I am watching the American movie "Julie and Julia". Yes that's right, I stopped in the middle and ran here to write a few lines of shit.
People always rely on movies. Rely on movies to bring you a different life experience, rely on movies to bring moving and shocking, or use powerful visual effects to bring vertigo like "Avatar".

I have been in debt since I was in school. Because at the time, I set myself a plan that didn't seem difficult but would never be implemented: one movie a day—at least an average of one a day. However, just like the Spring and Autumn Dream, this plan was repeatedly shelved when it was just implemented, and I have always been more than happy. But once it is stranded, the consequences will never be remedied-just like there is only one college and one youth in life.
Fortunately, I still stay in this industry after graduation, doing a job that does not bring rich material but enough spirit to satisfy my vanity. TV stations, radio stations, or magazines, what I can never complain about is that I have been dealing with movies and literature and art all the time. Of course, some people say that I am in the entertainment industry.

Watching Julie put her passion into blogging day in and day out reminds me of my days working at a magazine during college. The strong fantasy color of Pisces fills the work and life of the editor-in-chief, causing the editors to fall into repeated predicaments. At that time, the word blog began to be popular among the petty bourgeoisie, so this way of satisfying emptiness and venting emotions became the best start of all editors' work and life.

Through the blog, we have met a lot of people: strangers in other cities, "confidants" who will never meet in the same city, talented young creative talents, rock and roll youth who insist on being angry to the end... We also got to know Many different ways of life. Of course, most importantly, we rediscover ourselves through this behavior.

So just as Julie put a lot of passion into her blog, it became as important as eating, sleeping, and having sex, and we've all stuck with it until now. The original blog has been unable to log in. Today we are also unrecognizable. (Oh God, may we have all become better people than we were then!)

But instead of pouring a lot of passion into blogging, Julie put her passion into cooking -- or life.
So are we.
Any kind of expression is just a form, and its core content is always how we want to live, and how to live better.

Tanya Tsai's song sings well: Evolve into a better person.
Watching this movie, watching the old Streep played Julia speaking in cadence, cooking happily and fully, watching Julie save herself from the dire straits of life time and time again, I feel once again that there is nothing better than this. good thing.

By the way, the dance scene at Julia's sister's wedding in the movie is the most beautiful movie dance scene I've ever seen.

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Extended Reading

Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.