Bon Appetit good appetite

Curtis 2022-04-18 17:34:53

524 recipes, can actually help people heal the wounds of the soul, get out of the sinking, and arouse the enthusiasm for life? With great curiosity, I started walking into Julie and Julia's life and started enjoying this wonderful film.
At the beginning of the film, Julia came to live in Paris, France from the United States with her husband Paul Child, who worked for the US News Agency. There is no doubt that Julia is an infectious woman who is good at finding the bright spots in others and is very Adapted quickly to her new life in France, although her French is still unsatisfactory, she is free and happy, saying Bon Appetit to her husband with a smile (wish you have a good appetite), while painstakingly learning to cook, after ten years of hardships , she finally published "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" with a thickness of more than 700 pages.
The film parallels the story of Julia, in which Julia, an employee of a development company in Lower Manhattan, is frustrated with her life, and encouraged by her husband, she decides to spend a year practicing America's most popular TV celebrity chef, Julia? Childe's first cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, has all 524 dishes and blogs about daily progress. In the process of practice, Julie gradually found herself, transitioning from simple potato soup to complex assorted aspic, she turned the kitchen into a magical place of creation, her success attracted the attention of the media, she and publishers Signed up and became a great writer. She successfully used witty humor, surging passion and tenacious perseverance to evoke enthusiasm for life and change mediocre lives.
After watching this film, I no longer question the power of cooking, at the same time, I found that it is not just cooking, any trivial thing around us is enough to change our life, Julia is wishing others Bon Appetit At the same time, it is also conveying a kind of enthusiasm for life, from herself to Julie, to all the people who have watched this film, as long as we don't lose hope in life, we can also be like Julie or Julia. Ordinary is magical, even if we are not as famous as them, but as long as we can have a full and full life, we are the designers of successful self-life and the enjoyment of life.
Perhaps, the important thing is not what we actually get, but whether our hearts are full or not, and we should be as pious and enthusiastic about our ideals of life as Christians treat religious beliefs! Once again wishing everyone: Bon Appetit!

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.