'Rachel's Wedding': See Also Uncovering the Family's Darkness

Thurman 2022-03-25 09:01:12

(Written by Zhi Ning on February 12, 2009)
Perhaps because in reality, every family has its lurking pain, at least there are lingering contradictions and knots that cannot be resolved, so once these scars are condensed within the duration of the movie , pain, contradictions and knots, there will be dramatic conflicts like overwhelming mountains or undercurrents, so that everything comes so naturally, and everything goes so naturally. Although it is cruel to uncover old wounds, it is not cold-blooded or ill-conceived. Personally, I have always preferred family-themed films, especially those that reflect the conflicts and entanglements between family members, such as "The Savages", "In the Devil" Until You Die", "Trivial Trouble", etc.
The film that boosted Anne Hathaway's acting skills, called "Rachel Getting Married," is reminiscent of the film, starring Nicole Kidman, about the tension between sisters. "Margot at the Wedding" about the relationship, but in terms of plot conflicts and depth of involvement, "Rachel" is obviously more flavorful than "Margot", and "Rachel"'s family conflicts not only have deep fetters There is also the shadow of death, whose dramatic conflict and character depiction are also more delicate and rich, so that the plot and even the emotional twists and turns have a deeper foundation and support.
The protagonist of the film, Cam (played by Anne Hathaway) and his relatives, are entangled and struggled in years of love and resentment, sometimes contradicting themselves, sometimes deceiving themselves, and maybe they can pretend to live peacefully and turn a blind eye on weekdays. But when the various inducing factors collided and the contradiction was intensified, it suddenly became so hard to let go. What is certain is that the script of the film is relatively good, the structure is reasonable, the characters and plots are fully set, and the analysis of family conflicts is in-depth and subtle. The thoughtful side. By the way, this time Hollywood has once again staged the "tiger father and no dog daughter" drama. Following the Coppola father and daughter, the Eastwood father and daughter and other light and shadow families, the veteran court film and crime film director West Germany. Jenny, the daughter of Ni Lumet (representative works "Twelve Nuhans" and "Before the Devil Knows You Die"), has also begun to show her edge in the circle, but after the film is finished, the most splendid color is not the screenwriter. Not the director, but the starring Hathaway.
The film can be said to be an important journey for the young Hathaway from a beautiful vase to the ranks of acting actresses. In recent years, although Xiaowei, who has pursuit, has repeatedly attacked, it is this that has really made her widely recognized by critics and audiences. A low-budget independent film. In the film, Xiao Wei plays the younger sister of Rachel (Rosemarie DeWitt) who is about to have a wedding, and a not-so-pleasant Cam, who is one of those young people who spends the whole summer just in early summer. Man, she smokes drugs, self-willed, moody, rude, indulges in jealousy, steals the limelight... looks like a troublesome family member.
However, under all these impetuous and disgusting character flaws, there is a broken and lost heart. Kaim is an insecure person. Her past drug addiction career, family tragedy and inferiority complex made her Worrying about whether she is popular, whether she is despised by relatives and friends, and whether she is despised by her family, so in the few days when she came out of the rehabilitation center for attending her sister's wedding, she "jumped up and down" complaining a lot, and always when the family atmosphere was good Big bad things, such as: jealous of her sister's intimacy with her best friend Emma, ​​blaming her sister for not letting her sister be a bridesmaid; when the family dinner before the wedding was in full swing, Kaim had a sudden attack and a series of inappropriate words; when a father When he and his brother-in-law were in a dish setting competition, Kaim unconsciously handed out the cutlery used by his younger brother who died early, which made his father very sad; when he was going out with his sister to get his hair done, she left in grief and indignation...
In order to reproduce the twisted character of Kaim, in appearance, Xiao Wei painted dark circles under her eyes, which made her eyes sunken, and had short and uneven hair, showing her unique and different side. In the performance, through scenes such as grabbing his sister's favor in front of his father, arguing with his sister, arguing and fighting with his long-divorced mother, and letting the car slide into the restricted area, he sometimes caused trouble, sometimes flattered, and sometimes angry language, sometimes sensitive, sometimes vulnerable, and sometimes The tired look portrays the image of Kaim, a troubled young woman, and her fear of being rejected by her family, although her family, especially her father and sister, love her and tolerate her. When her sister bathed her, iced her injured cheeks, and hugged her warmly, Kaim's face was full of sadness, so at the wedding ceremony, the bridesmaid Kaim's expression was complicated and difficult to grasp. Yes, she laughed with tears and cheered loudly, as if she could not express exactly how she wanted to bless her sister.
Unlike other filming methods that deal with family problems, Xu is the reason that director Jonathan Demme has plunged into the world of documentaries in the past two years and has made a lot of documentaries. He worked with photographer Declan Quinn to shoot with a manual camera. This "documentary" style family movie, the scenes of family gatherings in the film often give people a sense of "home video" shaking, although there is a sense of intimacy, but it is also a bit dizzy, and many cutscenes are suspected of being long and procrastinating. It made many young audiences feel tired. In addition, Demi is obviously a director with international harmony feelings. In this wedding that transcends skin color, he grafted the marriage customs of various ethnic groups, and used African, Middle Eastern and even Indian music as the auditory background of the film, which made many people like it. People who listen to American-style wedding songs can't digest it. In fact, if you are not so self-appreciative and addicted to this combination atmosphere, and then take the time to edit and shorten the duration, the visibility of the film should be improved.
Deborah Wenger, who played mother Abby, did not have many roles, and one of the emotionally explosive "slap scenes" was too abrupt, while Bill Owen, who played father Paul, interprets a moving father. No matter the joy and excitement of hearing the good news of Rachel's pregnancy or the sadness in the face of old wounds, especially the subtle reproduction of the character's efforts to maintain family harmony in an imperceptible way, in all honesty, the film's Being a father is not easy.
There are many hugs in the film, and these hugs often imply many different psychological demands. For example, Kaim either hugged her sister, or hugged her behind her back, and she even deliberately sat between her sister and brother-in-law, as if If you want to attract attention, don't be "excluded", and ask your sister to guard her alone. And those hugs have a touch of nostalgia and sadness. Yes, life is too short to love each other enough, so why hurt each other?

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Rachel Getting Married quotes

  • Kym: I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening.

  • Kym: [Late to rehab meeting, she knocks over a chair] Cocksucker!

    Kieran: [Who had been addressing the crowd] Uh, only once. My dealer. I was very hard up for cash.