psychedelic movies

Delphine 2022-03-22 09:01:41

Smoking marijuana, having sex with the female neighbor next door, and discovering that he was sent into the coffin by his wife's dead concubine during orgasm - at this time, the background music was actually Jefferson Spaceship's "Somebody to Love"
Of course, this piece of music appeared more than one place, Are you psychedelic? The
Coen brothers are psychedelic, stream-of-consciousness, obscure, and use religious plots to stun the unbelievers of your country - this is a godsend.

Like the title, the film is serious and serious Seriously telling about the confusion of middle-aged men, but the storyteller is a little dizzy

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A Serious Man quotes

  • Larry Gopnik: There's some mistake. I'm not a member of the Columbian Record Club.

    Dick Dutton: Sir, you are Lawrence Gopnik of 8419 Fern Hill Road?

    Larry Gopnik: No, I live at the Jolly Roger.

  • Dybbuk?: I shaved hastily this morning and missed a bit-by you this makes me a dybbuk? It's true, I was sick with typhus when I stayed with Peselle, but I recovered, as you can plainly see, and now I-hugh!

    [She stabs him in the chest with an ice pick]

    Dybbuk?: What a wife you have!

    Shtetl Husband: Woman, what have you done?

    Dybbuk?: Why would she do such a thing? I ask you, Velvel, as a rational man: which of us is possessed?

    Shtetl Wife: What do you say now about spirits? He is unharmed!

    Dybbuk?: On the contrary! I don't feel at all well.

    [Blood begins to seep from his chest]

    Dybbuk?: One does a mitzvah and this is the thanks one gets?

    Shtetl Husband: Dora! Woe, woe! How can such a thing be!

    Dybbuk?: Perhaps I will have some soup. I am feeling weak. Or perhaps I should go. One knows when one isn't wanted.

    Shtetl Husband: Dear wife. We are ruined. Tomorrow they will discover the body. All is lost.

    Shtetl Wife: Nonsense, Velvel. Blessed is the Lord. Good riddance to evil.