Do one thing well for a lifetime

Kristy 2022-04-18 17:34:53

When I got off work, I watched "julie and julia" in the office, and I have a deep memory of Julie's tenacity. Because life is boring, I plan to finish 500 dishes in the French recipe in a year, and write a blog to broadcast my finished products. Share with everyone. It's also a good life goal, haha. Do one thing well all your life. Find a new life direction from the confused life.
Now I also continue this regular life, the dull and boring days, find more life goals for myself, and then work hard for them.
For example, I insist on jogging for 5 kilometers every day. Because I am a fat-prone system, I can only rely on this to maintain my body shape, and I have to pay attention to what I eat and drink. It has been a long time since I have touched oil, and I have very little sugar intake. At times, it will automatically avoid it, and psychological self-hypnosis says that these are all unpalatable things. Originally, I avoided starchy foods together. Later, I found that I would feel dizzy if I didn’t eat them, so I still have to eat a little bit. A good friend of mine has a system of not getting fat. No matter how much he eats, he will not gain weight. Sometimes he thinks that God is being too unfair. The body shape that I need to spend a lot of effort to maintain can be obtained without much effort, but Then I thought that I would jog every day, so that my body would be healthier, my function would be better, and my mind would be much more balanced. Insist on running 5 kilometers every day, go to the gym to run when the weather is cold, and go to the school playground to run when it is warm. In this way, the cardiopulmonary function has been greatly enhanced.
I get up at 8 every day and make a simple breakfast at home, oatmeal + milk + black sesame. The oatmeal is sugar-free, the milk increases calcium, and the black sesame increases the flexibility of the hair. Then I got to the company at 9 o'clock and started work. Get off work at 6:00, go to the gym at 7:00, and start running + dancing. Get home at 9:30, do laundry, have a glass of milk before going to bed, watch a movie, or a book, English novels, or finance, or comics, and go to bed before 12:00. Force yourself to read the original material, and look it up in the dictionary if you don't understand it.
I usually wake up late on weekends. I clean up the house when I have nothing to do. I usually go to the gym to run + swim in the afternoon, and maybe learn to dance. I used to feel that my body rhythm was not very good, but I don’t know why. Now I hear it. The fast-paced songs can't help but rhythm. Xiao K said that it may be because he went to PUB too much some time ago, sweat. In general, it can also be developed into a strength, haha, the main thing is to find a reliable teacher. Sometimes I go shopping with my friends, have dinner, or K sing and have fun. In short, I have gradually moved out of the house. Now, the day before, I will think about what to do on the second day, and then write a list. On the second day, I will complete the tasks one by one according to the items on this list, so as not to forget.
The above is my regular and fulfilling week of life, haha. This is currently the case, I think I think Ying Karma can last a long time, haha.

Spring is here in Beijing, there is a sandstorm outside, and the weather is getting warmer. Because of Sister Jing's wedding, many people came to Beijing. Zhuzhu and I went to check-in at the hotel where Sister Jing's wedding was held in advance. It was inevitable that a few people would discuss some old topics. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Sister Jing's parents were more talkative and humorous than her, haha, basically, people only need to sit Then when you hear them say it, you can laugh before and after. Is this called having a parent and having a daughter? The whole family can say, haha, how wonderful!
Every time I come to Beijing, I have to go to Xidan. I really don’t like shopping across districts. Beads are ripe. Now that there is Line 4, there is no need to transfer to the subway several times, haha, it is quite convenient. When I went to Xidan, I started shopping for goods, cosmetics, and clothes. Recently, I have a big love for Yuandian and pink lace, and I bought a lot of related things, haha.
In other words, I still really want to buy a Clinique skin care set, but when I think that there are so many skin care products at home that are useless, I feel anxious, sweaty, or slow down. , 20% off and also get a pink swimming goggles, super cute, so I couldn't wait to wear my new equipment to the constant temperature swimming pool the next day to try my skills, but I didn't believe in the cold and sweat on the second day, it took 3 days to raise it, really ……It's too awful.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.