about the beauty of women

Vaughn 2022-03-31 09:01:09

1. You've got something in common. There is a friend who will treat you as the only one no matter how fat or thin you are (like Stacy to Deb/Jane); there is a friend who will cherish you as if you are gorgeous on the outside Treasures (like Deb/Jane vs Stacy). This friendship comes true because he/she doesn't care about what you have or what you don't have, but accepts everything you have and everything you don't have. Are you envious? kind of.

2. Deb's soul falls into Jane's body, with Deb's memory and Jane's high IQ. Deb gradually became Jane in his own memory. This shows that no matter how confident that woman is about her appearance, she still hopes that she can become a woman with connotation, thought and depth. It's just that in real life, no woman is so lucky. In other words, God is fair to everyone. Beauty and talent have a total of 100 points. Women are asked to choose the ratio themselves.

3. When there is no mirror, Jane's body at first often thinks of herself as a beautiful Deb, with playful winks and grins. An unassuming smile, very beautiful. Like Mr. Tharp said: There is a great energy...flowing through it. And if I can see a light in the sky...that so beautiful. Of course, he wasn't talking about Jane, but no one would Deny, no matter what a woman looks like, she is most radiant when she is confident.

While taking a shower, I occasionally think of this. very funny.

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Drop Dead Diva quotes

  • Fred: I've heard about physical attraction before, chemically I understand it but I've never experienced it.

    Jane Bingum: What, you've never had a crush?

    Fred: Up there all I meet are dead people.

    Jane Bingum: Well, forget it, okay? Stacey's out of your league. You'll be setting yourself up for a world of hurt.

    Fred: No no no, you don't understand! I look at this Stacey, and I, and I can't help it. I wanna, I wanna do her grocery shopping, wanna, wanna re-roof her house. I wanna... hunt animals and bring her the MEAT.