Is it happier to choose to forget?

Annamae 2022-03-22 09:02:07

At the beginning of the film is the childhood narration of the two little boys. I don’t know what to find out about their intersection. With the enrichment of clues and memories, they finally solve
it. They have experienced the same thing, but their attitudes are different.
One chooses to forget or maybe It's because the stimulation is too great, and the later time is just blindly wanting to retrieve the memory of an hour that once disappeared. I wonder if I was abducted by aliens, and the other chooses to continue living with scars
. The earlier the memory affects me, the more it affects me.
Whenever Neil made a deal, his excited and sad eyes seemed to say: There is no turning back, what else can I do, what can I do.
Some pain happens when it happens. Comfort says: It will be all right when it's over. It's all bullshit.
No one can help them. Even the people they love can't help them, and they are not qualified to comfort
the memory. The abyss is a black hole. Once you fall into it, you can't escape. You can only fall into it and do nothing.
It's the fragmented memories, sadness and happiness that make us who we are and shape the trajectory of the rest of our lives.

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Mysterious Skin quotes

  • Wendy: I can't believe I'm finally getting out of this fucking nowhere town!

  • Eric: I got a postcard from Wendy.

    Neil: I think she's mad at me because I owe her like 3 letters.

    Eric: Yeah, her last P.S. is "Tell Fuckface to write me."