Face or escape?

Stephania 2022-12-28 06:45:13

Just like that, in a split second we lost someone we loved so much... all of a sudden. Unable to bear it, we fell into sadness and decadence and could not extricate ourselves. I don't even want to come out of this pain at all. Because we are afraid of time, we are afraid of forgetting, and we are afraid that our dearest people will gradually be forgotten by us in the long days. We dare not face everything alive in the world, we just want them to stay, we just want time to stop, we want them to never leave... Over and over, we lock ourselves in a dark corner, and self-torture will never be supernatural...

I'm afraid not A person can really dare to face himself, even if he is a well-known psychological counselor like the male protagonist, he can help countless people who have lost their deep love to be liberated, but he can't face his heart directly, and is afraid of seeing the mistakes he has caused. He taught everyone to come out, but he himself hid in the dark. We are all escaping, when will we be able to face ourselves bravely and tell the stories hidden in our hearts out loud...

Some movies, the story arrangement may not be very exciting, but something can just stay in your heart. down shock. Well, "Love Happens" is so old-fashioned, it lacks any overly exciting plot lines, it doesn't have a very touching love story. It's just going on so lightly, just like some stories that we have around us every day. And then... The heroine has a good temperament, and the heroine Jennifer is in good spirits. She tells everyone's inner sadness in the fresh atmosphere of Seattle, which is just touching but not tearful, just so slightly sad...

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Love Happens quotes

  • Eloise: Can I say something? And, and this comes from a place of total humility. With the acknowledgment that my life is a day-by-day experiment in... really bad decisions. But, er... you're really messed up.

  • Burke: [first lines, in voice-over] Chapter one. Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise, life will give you lemons. When that happens, you've got two choices, friend: you can wear a sour face or make lemonade.