Ugly but conscience

Ruthe 2022-03-22 09:02:34

The stunts, creativity and graphics were different from what I imagined. This film shouldn't cost too much. But the story is told in full.

Who is INK? It is the soul that is about to die. It's a father's love for his daughter, it's human nature and conscience.

In life, there will always be good and bad, right and wrong. Whether or not human nature can continue on the right track is the most important thing. The so-called justice is the common human nature, the good part. And those who wear masks and show their teeth and claws are contrary to their nature and annihilate the evil of conscience.

When you are faced with a choice, whether you can choose good in accordance with the nature of love determines the future written by INK.

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Ink quotes

  • John: I am ruined, why can't you see that?

    Liev: Because I choose to see you for what you were intended to be, not what you've become.

  • Jacob: 'Course a good ass kicking doesn't sit well with anyone.

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