I'm crazy and I'm proud!

Lysanne 2022-03-22 09:02:32

In November, the temperature dropped sharply, with heavy snow in the north and heavy rain in the south. The H1N1 flu, which had been going on for a long time, made us more careful to keep our distance from the crowd. Just after the beginning of winter, the sky once again presents a total solar eclipse-like spectacle. Day is like night, thunderstorms are interspersed, and some people are cheering that the end of the world is coming, and I prefer to believe that the world is sick.

Life is the same as before, I work at sunrise, and I breathe every day. Before going to bed, I read "The Source of Ancient Poems" and read "What is Dili to me?" If I still can't sleep, it's better to watch a movie.

I intend to continue to rely on horror movies to lift the increasingly numb spirit, but compared with this increasingly scary world, what horror movie can make people truly scary? I lit a cigarette and thought about it for a while, and then, "King of California" was like a bunch of warm California sunshine, shooting into the small attic at midnight.

One is the daughter Miranda, who has been living independently since she was fourteen, and the father, Charlie, who has just been discharged from the mental hospital. This father and daughter, like countless fathers and daughters in this world, are a unique combination. Their story begins with a dream and returns to a dreamlike reality. The characters in the film complete an unexciting but meaningful adventure in 90 minutes, and the audience also follows their footsteps through a period of time. Mental journey, and then look back to re-acquaint yourself.

It is said that the name "California" comes from a 16th-century Spanish novel of knighthood, and a writer named Martorel Garba used his genius imagination to make up a place called "Calafia". This legendary secluded place is full of gold, where freedom-loving Amazons and all manner of eccentric beasts dwell in caves that are as peaceful as heaven. Charlie's role is a lot like a free-spirited Amazon mixed with a quirky beast.

Facing the crazy father, Miranda had neither the expression of bitterness and hatred, nor the attitude of hard work. She just wants to support the family and support herself and her father through her own efforts. Charlie is obsessed with finding treasure, giving his daughter a real and beautiful future, and making his love for her daughter no longer just a legend.

Miranda went from opposing her father's treasure hunt, to helping with surveying the site, digging caves, to telling her father that everything was just a legend, until she finally became a person who witnessed the legend and believed in the legend, her last smile was from the heart, not because of that. A box of gold, not for the Chinese man standing naked on the shore, but for her father Charlie. Her only regret was not being able to jump into the cave that led to the underground river with her father. She knew that Charlie must be living a free and happy life there.

The small-cost independent production of this filming in just one month once again illustrates a truth - time cannot buy quality, time is only used to verify quality, because we have indeed seen too many people who claim to have sharpened their swords in ten years. General work.

Some people criticize Michael Douglas's performance in the film, which I think is actually a kind of ignorant blasphemy. Douglas's role in the film is clearly not a man, let alone a neurotic, but a god. His performance is very different from the past, which is right and appropriate. Evan Rachel Wood succeeded in portraying the role of Miranda despite the pressure of playing with an old actor, and I believe this daughter will undoubtedly become one of the classics among countless daughters.

Treasure hunts, father-daughter love, and dreams come true... These subjects that have long been photographed vulgar, after being handled by director and screenwriter Mike Cahill, who is also the original author, radiates a bright light again. In this era of flooding of blockbusters, independent films like this one undoubtedly play a role in protecting the soul. It doesn't really matter whether the treasure exists or not, at least we've gained courage and love, and that's enough. Once we all had the dream of finding treasures, but now we live on a lottery ticket every day in a hurry, so when we see a person who is regarded as a lunatic, in order to find the legendary treasure, infatuated and desperate, we endure it. Can't help feeling: what a proud thing to be a lunatic in this world.

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Extended Reading

King of California quotes

  • Charlie: Catastrophe equals opportunity.

  • Miranda: [first lines - narration] Technically what happened wasn't my fault. I'm a minor, I'm not responsible for my actions. Technically.

    [alarm sounds, everyone runs]

    Miranda: But these things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. In our case, I've always been the responsible party. Someone had to look out for him.