The Bush Administration's Incompetence and Greed

Noah 2022-03-22 09:01:38

The title is an extension of the famous [Fahrenheit 451], but the central idea of ​​the film and that famous book is the same, which is to oppose the government's personal centralization and speech censorship.

The entire film revolves around 9/11 to show the incompetence and greed of the current Bush administration. The film roughly follows the events in chronological order, from 9/11, to Afghanistan, and finally to Iraq. There are some things revealed in the film that I didn't know before, so I learned something this time.

Some people will criticize the director for being biased, but who is not biased? Anything must be biased as long as someone's brain and consciousness are involved and functioning. Just like when you criticize a person and say he is not perfect, such criticism doesn't make much sense.

I cried a few times in the movie and I was so embarrassed. The first time was some episodes of 9/11, which brought back my memory, and I couldn't help thinking about how I felt and the situation I was at at that time. The second time was when the Iraqi mother was hysterically cursing America. Seeing a mother so desperate, so helpless, so sad and angry. . . Especially when she mentioned that there have been five funerals in their family. Ugh. . . The third time was when the mother of an American soldier read her son's letter. It was really hard. . .

War is cruel, and it truly destroys human nature. There is a movie called [The Casualty of War], which is a movie about the Vietnam War played by Michael J Fox, and it shows this kind of devastation incisively and vividly. The name of the movie is to tell everyone that the losses in the war are not only the dead soldiers, but actually all the participants, including the survivors, are the casualty of war. A soldier in [Fahrenheit 9/11] said this very well: "I feel like a part of my soul was lost with every kill"

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Fahrenheit 9/11 quotes

  • [President Bush is on vacation and is bird hunting]

    George W. Bush: Somebody gonna say "nice shot"?

    Aide: Nice shot.

  • Marine Recruiter: I'm sure you know who Shaggy is, right?

    Kid in Parking Lot: Yeah.

    Marine Recruiter: Do you know anything about him?

    Kid in Parking Lot: Yeah, he's the Jamaican singer?

    Marine Recruiter: How about a former marine.