ageless song

Monroe 2022-03-23 09:02:18

There's a little island far away
called Never Isle
and there's a legend that all the kids grow up
except the kids there except Peter Pan
in the tree hole in the alcove the
kids have sweet dreams
if you get the magic dust Bless
you, you can fly forever and forever young

, shouldn't we try hard to find it?

Title of the title:
All children grow up
except one
Peter Pan

When growth is inevitable, when we face the starry sky and feel lost, lonely, and not understood, how tempting a story with a rebellion against reality and a longing for the future is!

When people saw the blond boy, with looming dimples, arrogantly pinching his waist, and puffing out his chest, he said with a smile, promising forever. Will the softness of the heart not tremble?

Not big enough is the sorrow of a child, too big is the sorrow of an adult. Fortune wields the sickle of time, harvesting factors such as purity, simplicity, happiness, etc. that exist because of childishness, and generously gifting Pandora's box, we were beaten back to the mortal world, never wanting to grow up to accepting must be long. big.

A few years later, when my children and grandchildren are full of joy, I will read Peter Pan, The Little Prince, and Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales to them, smiling and looking out the window, seeing their bright eyes full of longing, not falling in love sad.

There is an island in everyone's heart, and there is a song that is not old, better than a movie, and better than a story!

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Extended Reading

Peter Pan quotes

  • Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out, and the flowers are all in bloom...

    Captain Hook: He's back.

  • Wendy: Why do you hate him so?