Violating the Second Law of Robotics

Deangelo 2022-03-22 09:02:45

First, let's talk about the so-called "Three Laws of Robots":

1. Robots must not harm people, and they must not stand by and watch people get hurt

. 2. Robots should obey all orders of people, but must not violate the first law

. However, the first and second laws must not be violated.

Later, the zero law of robots was added:
why was this "zero law" determined later? For example, in order to maintain the overall order of the country or the world, we make laws and must execute some people's death sentences. In this case, should the robot prevent the execution of the death penalty? Obviously it is not allowed, because it destroys the order we maintain, which is to harm the interests of mankind as a whole.

So the new Asimov's Law of Robotics is:

The Zeroth Law: Robots must protect the overall interests of humanity from harm.

First Law: A robot must not harm an individual human being, or stand idly by witnessing that an individual human being would be endangered, unless this violates the Zeroth Law of Robotics.

Second Law: A robot must obey orders given to it by humans, except when the order conflicts with the Zeroth Law or the First Law.

Third Law: Robots must protect their own survival as much as possible without violating the zeroth, first, and second laws.

The above is excerpted from

If you fully respect Asimov's law of robots, Mara in the movie "is your master and asked you to protect me, And the way to protect me is to inform us of your master's quantity and combat power." From this point of view, the robots will not do this, because it violates their second law.

Of course, I am a bit over the top.

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Battle for Terra quotes

  • General Hemmer: [Sarcastically, on the terraforming machine, which will infuse Terra with oxygen in just seven days] Very biblical, don't you think?

  • Mala: Together... forever... in life.