It's more beautiful than "9" ~ a more pleasing plot~

Nola 2022-03-22 09:02:18

After watching "9" yesterday, I suddenly rekindled my interest in cartoons. I thought it was an animation, but it turned out not to be all. I haven't seen this kind of animation with real people and animation for a long time. It feels very good. This kind of cartoon is novel to me, and the picture is better than "9". In particular, the last PARTY perfectly displayed the technology of Disney animation production. It's interesting that cricket wings can actually do that.
I have to say that too many of this year's movies are related to robots, which makes me feel a little disappointed. The Mole's "betrayal" at the end was also a little too incredible, ruining the storyline of the movie, and if it was for the unexpectedness of the final climax, it seemed a bit overdone.
However, the whole film does have great educational significance for children. Human beings will eventually have retribution for harm to living things, so it is necessary to love animals; even guinea pigs long for the warmth of their families, not to mention human beings; the strength of the team...
Well, for me, it is indeed more than "9". nice~

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G-Force quotes

  • Blaster: I'm pretty sure this is animal cruelty. *WOOOHOO!*

    [jumps in RC car over toys]

    Blaster: But I love it.

  • Speckles: We've got a worm to decipher.

    Darwin: You're a genius.

    Speckles: I'm a mole. I got a thing for worms.

    [slurps a rainworm hanging from the ceiling]