Hello Mr Stewart - "The Story of Mr Stewart"

Daphney 2022-03-22 09:01:51

Last summer, I searched everywhere for this movie but couldn't find it. The movie theater wouldn't show it, the disc dealer didn't know it, and Xunlei's resources couldn't be linked. I'm very disappointed and have looked for it several times on and off this year. Hard work pays off, the day before yesterday finally found a downloadable resource. I didn't watch it yesterday because I had a stomach ache, but I watched it this afternoon. The people in the dorm were not at home and those who were not at home slept, so I enjoyed it by myself.

I don't know if it was because I ate too much at noon or I really liked it and was excited. When I watched it, I felt that my chest was very hot and swollen. The sky was getting dark, and the fluorescent lights in the bedroom were turned on. Because someone was sleeping, I got up and turned them off. Outside the window, the headlights on the tower crane on the construction site suddenly turned on. When I went to put down the curtains, I saw a beautiful burning cloud in the west. It will be cloudy today, so strange. After reading it, it was getting dark and the water room was about to close. I put on my pants, put on a coat, stepped on high heels without socks, and rushed out with a kettle in my hand. I was also wearing a nightdress. Fortunately, the nightdress was a bit like a long T-shirt. .

I've been thinking about this movie all the way.

The first time I knew about this movie was in the book "Watching Movies" I bought in 2006, which was the summer I just finished the college entrance examination. Since that issue had a very interesting theme, the book was boxed up and brought to school by me. The book is Midnight Show in June 2006, and the cover is a cool photo of Milla Jovovich in a silly movie "Ultraviolet" (this sentence is a bit confusing but it is). Time has proven this to be one of my three favorites of his family, or perhaps the most. It started with the topic of Brokeback Mountain, then the topic of "tenderness is not powerless" that made me discover this film, followed by a topic of Cate Blanchett and 40 electric shocks (this topic is a summary of the forty people in four Forty amazing moments in ten movies, including Zhang Liv Taylor's stills are very beautiful, I painted it with gouache when I was a freshman, and the page was painted with colorful paint), and a Polish director Date's topic as well as various independent film topics. Over the past three years, I have seen many of the movies introduced in this book. This is the one that has been read the most and loaned to my classmates. I always recommend this one. To be loved also means to be hurt, and this one was the worst, and I could see its furry spine in a stack of magazines and pull it out.

Many of the movies mentioned in this issue have also become one of my favorites, especially the one in the "Tenderness Is Not Powerless" feature.

This feature is a summary of the work of some directors who focus on the most normal life forms, as well as some of the directors' tender moments. In the past three years, you and I have fallen in love with many of the movies mentioned here, Majid Madecy's "Little Shoes", "Heaven's Story", "Paris Texas", Ang Lee's "Pushing Hands", "The Wedding Banquet", "Midnight Cowboy" , "Emily", Hou Hsiao-hsien's "Once Upon a Time in Childhood", "Proportion. Elliott"... Now we can add a "Mr. Streeter's Story".

This is another movie that I already knew a little bit about the content before watching it. I had high expectations and came back satisfied.

It's hard to judge whether a movie is good or bad, but it's easy to judge whether you like it or not. I knew from the very beginning of this movie that I would love it. The lens is very clean, there is no deliberate effect, the sun and the wind are saying that it is autumn. The plot is very simple, the pace is slow but not procrastination.

What others have said about David Lynch is: "David Lynch is a generalist in the contemporary American film industry, a well-known screenwriter, director, and excellent TV producer, photographer, and cartoonist. , composer, and print artist. He maintains a fine-tuned balance between mainstream and surrealism, relentlessly exposing the dark and extreme violence of real life on the screen, making his work exuding a uniquely personal Charismatic. He's widely recognized compared to his contemporaries." I saw another of his famous films, Mulholland Drive, which lived up to its name

but was completely different.

I will not summarize the specific plot myself, but quote the introduction of the film: "In this "Mr. Streeter's Story", David Wood's dream is no longer gloomy, no longer overwhelming, he Change the previous bizarre style, enter the American countryside from a simple and loving perspective, and tell a simple journey through the years. This is a road movie with a lawn mower as a means of transportation, based on what happened in the United States a few years ago Adapted from a true news story. The story tells the story of an elderly Mr. Street who is in poor health, has no driver's license but is stubborn, and in order to visit his seriously ill brother, whom he hasn't seen in more than a decade, he drives a 1966 vintage The old lawn mower staggered 300 miles from Iowa to Wisconsin. Like so many road movies, we meet Mr. Street and meet many people along the way, including a pregnant A pregnant runaway girl, a hysterical woman who kills two deer on her way to work every day, a kind priest, and a retired soldier. And a group of teenagers on bicycles whizzed past him during the journey , he stopped the lawn mower and greeted them with a smile."

This introduction is relatively specific, but fortunately this movie does not win with novel plots, so it's okay to read the introduction. When I was doing Baidu information, I found a film review that said: "One of the big flaws of this film is that it is too long, almost two hours. That kind of thoughtful, unhurried rhythm will inevitably make you feel a little bit like the film, feeling that the film lacks richness. It's a storyline that lacks unexpected surprises. Another fly in the ointment is that director Lynch used natural long takes for some scenes. These scenes are very far away, and the director has lowered the volume of the film, so it is difficult to see and hear clearly. Know exactly what's going on." Sure enough, it's his arsenic and my honey, and these points he listed happen to be my favorite aspects of this movie.

The details of this movie are handled very well. Every actor is just right even if there are only a few shots. Love the details. Look closely and you'll find many familiar faces.

Mr. Richard Farnsworth, who played Mr. Streeter, did a very, very good job of blending in perfectly with the character. He played the frail 73-year-old gentleman at the age of 79, earning him an Academy Award nomination the following year for Best Actor. The winner is Russell Crowe of "Gladiator". I have also seen this movie. I personally think that Mr. Richard Farnsworth deserves this award. Russell Crowe's acting was excellent, and before I didn't watch "Mr. Streeter's Story" I thought he deserved the title, but now I don't think so anymore. I love Mr. Street.

Mr. Street first set off with his rusty red lawn mower (he had a small carriage attached to the back), before the wind from passing traffic blew his hat off. , he hurriedly stopped to pick it up, that staggering gesture, he was acting and not acting. Then the lawnmower broke and he had to hitch a ride to the next town to hire a trailer to haul the lawnmower home. A group of old men who watched him go out saw him coming back and sighed: Poor Iris... (His town is full of old men and women, sunbathing and hanging out in hardware stores, maybe the director wants to pay attention to the problem of aging ) Later, when his daughter told the neighbor about his experience, he was overheard by the gunman, and he answered in a rage: What a ride? When his daughter asked him what he was doing with the gun, he didn't answer. He went straight to the yard and shot the rusty lawn mower.

He bought another green 1966 second-hand lawn mower and set off again when it was set up. Almost to the place where he broke down last time, another car whizzed over, shrank his neck, the car passed, and he covered his hat and smiled.

Along the way, he met all kinds of people and suffered the setback of breaking down again, crossed the vast Mississippi River (the footage of him driving over the Mississippi River Bridge was excellent), and finally reached the end.

This is the last movie he played in. The following October, he shot himself at his New Mexico home. Quoting NetEase News: "Fan Hualin revealed that Farnsworth found out that he had cancer a few years ago, and it also caused part of his limbs to become paralyzed. Farnsworth had been patient during the filming of "Mr. Honest's Story" Illness," he was very weak, but apparently he got through it because he didn't want the world to know that he was a sick man. "Fan Hualin said sadly, "He can't continue to fight, cancer has defeated him. "

I was stunned when I checked the information today and found this.

At the beginning of the trip, the roadside was full of large cornfields waiting to be harvested, and later became a half-red maple forest. When I knew this was Idaho I was greatly surprised. The Idaho in David Lynch's film is completely different from the one in Van Sant's "My Private Idaho", which makes people feel alive, "My Private Idaho" Lotus" is "like a broken face". The movie is really a magical existence.

This movie gave me the pleasure and resonance of watching, the memories that were evoked, and a few crocodile tears of Miss Ben.

Street . The husband is repairing the lawn mower in the yard, and his daughter is painting the blue paint of the bird's house. The sky is overcast, and Mr. Street said that I am afraid that the grass will not be hoeed today, and the rain is coming. The next shot is The dark night and the heavy rain outside the window, then turned to the faces of the Streeters and their daughters who were sitting and watching the rain (above).

Mr. Streeter said: I like thunderstorms.

His daughter said: I like it too.

Lightning accompanied by thunder It suddenly illuminated their faces and suddenly disappeared, and the shadow of the water column on the glass reflected on their faces.

I remembered the summer when I was in my third year of junior high school, and it was also a thunderstorm. There was a sudden power outage, and the girls in the whole building were screaming. The teacher asked the monitor to buy candles, and we all stayed in the dark classroom. Suddenly a lightning tore from the west, instantly tearing the darkness, and then a dull thunder, like breaking out of the ground, getting louder and closer . is another scream.

Every time the lightning was different that day, every time it seemed to tear the sky apart, it was very beautiful. The poor monitor's candle was not bought for a long time, and we were trapped in the classroom to watch a beautiful lightning strike. Although there were still people screaming, more and more people discovered the secret of lightning, and the screams turned into exclamations. Various shapes and various light sensations, accompanied by the thundering thunder, the thrilling beauty. After the squad leader's candle was bought and lit, the lightning continued, and I couldn't take my eyes back. The Lightning Dance went on for a long time, and it didn't end until our last evening study session. I never saw it a second time after that.

He was camping in an old cemetery, and the priest who lived in the cemetery brought him dinner, but he refused dinner and invited the priest to chat with him. He told the pastor he was going to see his brother Lyle, and the pastor asked if it was Lyle who had a stroke a few weeks ago? Then the pastor said that he knew his younger brother, but he never heard his younger brother talk about having an older brother. He is, we haven't called brothers for many years.

After a while he started talking about his childhood friendship with his brother, the childhood they spent together on the farm in Minnesota, summer chatting and sleeping under the stars at night, and inadvertently growing up. Then the pastor asked him what happened between them?

He said, old things are old, and I think about the two brothers Cain and Abel. Their temper and vanity have something to do with alcohol. Naturally, there is a brother in front of you who hasn't spoken to his brother for ten years.

The movie doesn't specifically say what happened between them, but I have a deep connection.

When the winter vacation was coming to an end, my sister and I had a big fight. To sum up, it is nothing more than self-righteousness and glass heart. Because we usually live in one room, I really didn't want to live with her after we quarreled that day, but I couldn't go to another room because my mother would be even more angry. Then we spent the night in one room in silence, and I came to school the next day.

Then there was no contact, or I was avoiding her. A few days before my birthday, she told me on QQ, you are still angry, you are too angry. It's your birthday in a few days. Happy birthday to you. I pretended not to see, and she didn't say anything. Her birthday was actually a day earlier than mine. On her birthday, I thought about it and left her a happy birthday, and then that QQ account was never online again. I don't know what I'm hiding, I'm actually no longer angry with her, I'm angry with myself.

How to do it? What a sad headache.

Mr Street said: "We were both angry with each other, but it's not a relationship today, I want to be reconciled with him and sit opposite him again, just like before.


This movie captures the beautiful side of human nature, perhaps a bit biased. There are two places that are slightly preachy, but not uncomfortable. The details are perfect, the film is genuinely moving, and well worth watching.

——Written on May 8

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The Straight Story quotes

  • Alvin Straight: I want to thank you for your kindness to a stranger.

    Danny Riordan, Clermont Resident: It's been a genuine pleasure having you here, Alvin. Write to us some time.

    Alvin Straight: I will.

  • Pete: He'll never make it past the Grotto.