German tragicomedy

Elenora 2022-12-06 15:34:38

There is always a lot to talk about about war. However, after watching "The Red Baron", I have a new understanding of the expression of former West German Chancellor Brandt kneeling in front of the Polish grave.

War is the continuation of politics by force. The army is a state machine. For the mission of the country, those soldiers rushed to the front line without hesitation. I saw Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front", and there is such a sentence "I'm going to try to describe a generation that, although they escaped the war, they were still destroyed by the war."

This is the case with the German army in the film. Manfred von Richterhofen had a splendid military career, shooting down 80 enemy planes, but he obviously disapproved of war. He once said, "We want to shoot down enemy planes, not pilots." When the war turned soldiers into machines, the tragedy of the German army began.

The Germans were still sober, and Manfred von Richthofen was wise. But, tragically, he died at the hands of the man he nearly shot down. The hero is dying, and it is also pitiful.

Manfred von Richthofen was very prescient. Although the German army could not defeat the Allied Powers, he dared to speak his mind in the face of the German Emperor, which is admirable.

Real, frankly. The attitude of the Germans determines the speed at which they rebuild after the war. Such a nation is respected and awe-inspiring.

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The Red Baron quotes

  • Käte: There are so many hospitals now they have to give them numbers. This is No: 76. There's 500 patients. Most of these men will die. Those that don't will never walk again, see again, taste again... love again! No, it's not great to have a hole your head. You're lucky to be still alive. Being born of nobility, you've advantages these men here do not. They don't have choices. It's not a game. This is the lowest we'll ever get. It never gets darker.

  • Emperor Wilhelm: You're looking disposed, my dear Baron.

    Manfred von Richthofen: Yes, your Majesty. I'm fine. I always am. Sometimes even irritated, sir.

    Emperor Wilhelm: How can you be "irritably fine?"

    Manfred von Richthofen: It happens out here. We kill a couple of men. And while they fall down in flames, we feel just fine. I find this irritating.

    Emperor Wilhelm: My soldiers, do not... kill people. They simply destroyed the enemy.

    Manfred von Richthofen: Well, the effects seems to be the same.