Disappointing first episode

Justina 2022-03-22 09:02:12

I watched the introduction and trailer more than a month before the broadcast, and I was full of joyful anticipation. Who knew the first episode was so ordinary, I fell asleep directly. . .
Maybe it's to explain the relationship between the characters, but I'm not interested anymore, so I can only watch it. . .
However, my personal opinion is that this episode can't be long. First of all, I gave myself six months to go back to the future. If the rest of the gathering is shot like the first episode and the dialogue is similar, the first season will be cut off, but this is just me I'm just guessing, don't scold people, my psychological quality is extremely poor, and I can't stand the criticism of swear words.

If you guess another big pit, when it is estimated that the ratings are not good, there will be at least one person who stays awake in a global coma and is not affected to make a stunt.

Again, if you think I'm boring, and you like this show so much, just laugh at me like a clown.

Also, does anyone think the setting of this show is a bit similar to the 4400, except for the super powers. . .

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