Adam's look

Neoma 2022-03-22 09:02:59

He does not know good, chooses good, but he educates us,
and adds meaning like a comma;
--Auden "Wartime 18"

I believe that God created Adam on the sixth day with adult stature and a baby thought of.

At that time, Adam's eyes must be ignorant, clear, and naturally with the mystery of God's creation.

(“Learn to look with the eyes of animals,” says Kafka.)

Such eyes, after he devoured the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, ceased to exist.

The consequence of knowing good and evil is that people begin to do evil things. This is really ironic.

No wonder God cast it out of Eden. No wonder Nietzsche wanted to stand on the other side of good and evil and reorganize the genealogy of morality.

Casper is such an Adamic figure.

When he looked at us, his eyes were purer than Adam's at first.

The only and fatal difference is that he and Adam were different.

Adam had the Garden of Eden and God's care.

Casper can only enter the human world where good and evil have long been known. Endure the good of mankind and endure the evil of mankind.

So what happens in the movie has to happen.

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Extended Reading

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser quotes

  • Opening caption: Do you not then hear this horrible scream all around you that people usually call silence.

  • Kaspar Hauser: Mother, I am so far away from everything.