Simple, white water, and still a good movie.

Josianne 2022-03-22 09:02:45

This year has been very satisfying. One after another, sci-fi movies and TV series, the quality is not bad. On the contrary, everyone has no money to go to space, and film and television themes have become interstellar.
To be honest, the whole film is not eye-catching enough in terms of character modeling and plot. When I watch it, I don't feel that my eyes are bright, but I will gradually notice that from the camera to the background to the performance, it is in an excessively quiet state, even if it is During the war, the sky-high artillery fire was not overly exaggerated, so as to shock the audience to the point of being dumbfounded. Seeing someone at Mtime say it was all done by a few people on PCs and Macs, if that's the case, that's pretty remarkable, and also explains why the details seem so flat and the central idea so niche.
What happened between the two races was, to put it mildly, a reproduction of the conventional process of every colonization and primitive accumulation on the lower earth in the pure tone of a fairy tale. Compassion for others appears in the form of weakness and incompetence, and reflection on one's own morality can only begin after the death of conscience. The "this is going to be bad" premonition that the audience has at the beginning is really just an empirical judgment of our own behavior, and it will come true.
Like District 9, it is discussing the possible ways of getting along with human beings and aliens. The final conclusion, either directly or indirectly, is that survival and humanity are in power, and the most noble and selfish behavior can only be death. Fortunately, this is just a cartoon, so far, give some hope, everyone is happy.
And the human greenhouse at the end is such a helpless and false idea.
Avatar, which will be making a high-profile debut in the future, seems to be the same theme, but it seems that larger fireworks will be put on and more details will be drawn. I don't know how the big director who only likes to ask questions and doesn't like to give answers will end this story?

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Battle for Terra quotes

  • General Hemmer: [Sarcastically, on the terraforming machine, which will infuse Terra with oxygen in just seven days] Very biblical, don't you think?

  • Mala: Together... forever... in life.