Fuck Yeah!

Angel 2022-03-22 09:02:10

i can understand that some of you (the movie guru type) will think that this is an awful movie for its overkill styles and straight plot line. But what i get from this is that what it takes to be a man, a man with his animal instincts inside him, along side all the civilized crap that normal day life that forced down your throat. This is what a half evolved mammal being is supposed to behave, this is what you suckers that with some stupid job and such won't get , forever. This is the real instinct that lives with our genes, that don't get fucked up by the so call laws and order(fuck that show). The REVENGE! It's not best served cold, it's best served bitter! Fucking kill everyone and die, that's pretty awesome. Even so when you're half drunk after two bottles of Tsingdao and some Johnnie Walker on the rock.Viva the mid-aged married super-dad dull business executive WASP guy! And nice wife! Wanna share?

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Death Sentence quotes

  • Nicholas "Nick" Hume: I'm looking for Billy Darley or any of his friends.

    [Sammy speaks in Spanish, and so Nick throws down some money]

    Sammy: [in Spanish] I said I don't speak English, you son of a bitch. Got it now, boss?

    Nicholas "Nick" Hume: [in Spanish] Maybe if I chop off that piece of shit you call a head... and sent it to your mother, she'd recognize you. But I doubt it, boss.

  • [after displaying guns for Nick]

    Bones Darly: Any one of these is bound to make you feel better about what's bothering you.